the Samsung Galaxy S9 at 499 € instead of 859 €


As the giant Amazon prepares for the Prime Day tomorrow, other e-merchants have offered their customers beautiful nuggets for this weekend. This is the case, for example, of Cdiscount, which did not hesitate to lower the price of the last Samsung Galaxy S9 by 42%, to only 499 €. It is now that we must enjoy it, we will not see it again soon!

 samsung galaxy s9

The latest Samsung smartphone, the Galaxy S9 64GB is in very strong reduction at Cdiscount for a few hours . For those who still hesitated about the initial price of 859 €, they benefit now: it takes 599 € – 100 € ODR that will activate after its purchase made on the site Cdiscount.

Similarly , the Samsung Galaxy S9 + is also reduced to 579 € against 959 € in normal times. In both cases, more than 40% reduction is applied to the latest smartphones of the moment.

I take advantage of the offer

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