the savings of the report Cap 2022 are not "the road map" Muriel Pénicaud


The Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud, badured Wednesday on RTL that the report Cap 2022 proposing ways of reducing public spending was "not his road map" for the public operator Pôle emploi. "First, it is a report, it is not the roadmap that I will announce soon, which concerns me in the frame of CAP22", she said, interrogated on this report, unveiled by The Figaro which offers 30 billion savings and includes a component on Pôle emploi.

Adapt the workforce of Pôle emploi to unemployment. This report, which the executive wants to make public in the autumn after having detailed measures as it goes, recommends, according to Le Figaro to set up "a professional development check" for access to the various employment badistance services while taking full advantage of the competition for these services ". It also proposes "to resize Pôle emploi so that the workforce varies according to the economic cycle" via "an increased use of the fixed-term contract" as well as "the opening of the market of the accompaniment of the job search and the professional advice" .

"That employment center evolves according to the unemployment situation, it's normal, but then the miracle recipe to do fixed-term contracts, no … it's not a miracle recipe!", Launched the Minister of Labor . "Pole employment evolves, innovates a lot, to adapt to the new situation of the labor market.First because we have many job offers, and today we have many job offers who do not find takers because often there is a 'gap' of skills, "she said.

Removal of posts in sight? The Minister of Labor asked the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (Igas) to think about a "robust methodology" to "index" possible downsizing Pole employment on a "reported decline in unemployment," she announced June 19. Asked about the staff of the operator during a hearing in the Senate, Muriel Pénicaud had "said and repeated" that "nothing is decided", so the figure of 4,000 job cuts in the coming years has been circulating for two months. 19659005] [ad_2]
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