This time, it's the right one. The SNCF Mobilités Board of Directors has placed an order with Alstom on July 26 for 100 trains of the TGV known as the Future. Firm order, without optional slices. Let's remember the big numbers. 25 million oars instead of 30. This is what Barbara Dalibard, then at the head of SNCF Voyages, had set: no more orders for 30 million pieces for 500 pbadengers. Either an order amounting to 3 billion euros for the SNCF, on own funds, the 500 million difference explained by options and probate costs. And these 100 units, more capable, better exploited, will replace 150.
This seems to prevail, and yet it took time. One remembers a meeting of the Strategic Committee of the railway sector, in Valenciennes, during which the Minister of Industry, Arnaud Montebourg, had set the 2017 target for the first train … This train still not coming then brought the code name of TGV 2020 which, pronounced twenty-twenty, fixed in memory certain objectives of cost reduction (20% less on the acquisition, 20% less in possession, 20% less energy consumed in less), while giving as 2020 horizon to the first circulations.
They are now expected for 2023. We know what has blocked: the undermining of the TGV model by the continuous increase in tolls . The problem has been widely raised by the debate around rail reform. Jean-Cyril Spinetta, in his report considered that the TGV, to continue to ensure all of its missions, should benefit from a reduction in tolls or, more specifically, to be exempted from the increases envisaged. The government has therefore decided to stabilize the tolls for ten years and the SNCF considers that it owes a great candle to Elisabeth Borne, who knows the subject by heart and has shown the importance. So, the major obstacle is lifted. As, moreover, the SNCF, for years, has reworked the exploitation of the trains with high speed, in particular on the occasion of its low cost offer Ouigo, it has also largely progressed on the industrial aspects of the economic model. State effort on tolls, industrial effort of the SNCF: the long-awaited order became possible. Illustration of the change of circumstances, according to the SNCF: the studies made a year ago showed a rate of return of 3% for the operation of high-speed trains. Given the governmental decision, he jumped to 8% . In the first case, says Guillaume Pepy, "the order was impossible". On the contrary, it becomes possible in the new situation.
Better to be so. Because it is essential if we want to ensure a future at high speed. Some orange trains still circulate, certainly revisited, but they are still trains of first generation, the one that goes back to 1981 …
Many options remain open for the long-awaited train. If, for example, Pascal Desaunay is asked by the program director what material he will be built in, he answers that the decision is not definitively taken. This is far from the only case. Would the only decision be the order? Not quite. Strong options give an overall direction. The train, first, will include in its composition the most common nine cars framed by two motor, and will be able to 320 km / h in commercial service. And the train will be articulated. Conclusion? This is a TGV . The option of distributed motorisation, attempted by Alstom with an AGV that was left without a future, was put in the closet.
That being said, this TGV is modified in some of these elements. If the length of the train is unchanged at 200 meters, the progress in motorization allows, for the first time, shorter motor We gain about five meters on each of the two engines. As much space as the cars recover, but these, being nine in number instead of eight, are slightly shorter too. In total, the train can carry significantly more pbadengers. Especially since some technical spaces placed under the car bar Duplex have been moved to the motor. According to the accounts of the SNCF, where there are 556 seats in the last born of the range, L'Océane, there are 600 in the TGV of the future. With the same comfort for the traveler. And 740 seats in the Ouigo version, whose car bar will completely disappear, because of the displacement of technical spaces.
Another option, that we already noticed about the future RER Ile-de-France: fluidity becomes imperative A boa architecture ensures, upstairs, a true interconnection from one end to the other of the train. As in the new RER, also built by Alstom (with Bombardier). It is therefore the end of the spaces reserved for the intercirculation and their doors delimiting the pbadenger rooms. And it is thanks to this fluidity that one hopes "at the same time" to respect the bubble of each one and to allow the circulation, the meeting, the chatter or the co-working. He will return to a team consisting of Arep (a subsidiary of SNCF) and the Japanese designer Nendo, who won the tender for interior fittings launched by the SNCF, to design this alliance of openness to others. and and of oneself. It seems that Oki Sato, founder-boss of Nendo, promises " wow little moments in everyday life". To be continued
Fluidity in the train, and a softer relationship between the inside and the outside, this is symbolized by the larger windows, 10%, and therefore narrower trumeaux. Here again, we find a strong trend, already present in the trains with the Parisian Bombardier, reaffirmed by the last RER NG. The train enters the city and the city enters the train. It will be the same between the TGV and the territories. Long obsessed by its rivalry with the plane, the TGV first lived its window like a porthole. Here it becomes bay. This seems self-evident, but the constraints on a train running at 320 km / h make the case more complex than for an RER …
Another great option, the modularity . According to the needs, in the maintenance workshop, second-hand cars can become first-clbad cars. And that, says Rachel Picard, director of SNCF Voyages, in half a day only. We can also do without the car bar. This adaptability was not possible so far.
One can not say everything about the future material. Let us mention a particular care taken to the sound isolation. The end of the air conditioning under the windows. The train obviously wi-fi, necessarily connected and ready for predictive maintenance. Let's wait now to see how the big options will materialize. We are entering a design year between the sites of Belfort (motor), or La Rochelle (cars). The partnership for innovation that presided over this new TGV does not stop with the order. Remaining choices to be confirmed, between Alstom and SNCF Mobilités. And, for the SNCF, to review its maintenance to accommodate the new train. Except on the Atlantic coast, where the order of L'Océane trains is fresh, the TGV of the future is called to circulate on all the French high-speed network, even that of the neighboring countries.
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