FIRST LEAGUE – There are separations that are better than others. The least we can say is that the one between Chelsea and Antonio Conte took a totally unexpected turn. If this divorce is not surprising, the behavior of the English club, it questions. Indeed, the latter invokes a "serious fault" of the Italian coach. Explanations
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As evoked by the famous Rita Mitsouko song, love stories end badly in general. And it is not the separation between Chelsea and Antonio Conte that will derogate from the rule. As expected now for many weeks, even months, the English club and the Italian coach will leave. A news still unofficial but should be announced by Chelsea in the coming hours. Until then, nothing surprising. But the dramatic move happened in the evening of Thursday. According to Sky Italia, Chelsea wishes to justify this dismissal for "serious misconduct".
The departure of Diego Costa as an argument
As explained by the chain transalpine, it remains a year of contract in Conte with the Blues. As a result, a dismissal would be (very) expensive for Roman Abramovich. We are talking about a sum around 10 million euros … To avoid paying, the president of Chelsea wants to prove that the Italian, in office since 2016, was guilty of a "fault serious". Which ? Sky Italia indicates that the English club wishes to prove a " bad behavior ", not online " with the strategic objectives set ". For example, the departure of Diego Costa, who did not get along with his coach and who was asked to leave by message.
Pis, Chelsea, who has been recording Conte's departure for weeks, was hoping he would not show up for training a few days ago. The reason ? Take him on the fait accompli and thus justify a "serious fault". Problem, the former coach of Juve was there. This is how the leaders of the Blues, back to the wall, trying to find by all means the grounds for serious misconduct. For his part, Antonio Conte does not intend to let himself be. And he could very quickly give an appointment to his future ex-club in court. The story ends really badly.
Antonio Conte, the story ends with Chelsea Getty Images
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