The tidal stream in uncertainty after the withdrawal of Naval Energies


Stopped in full flight. The French wind power sector has lost one of its most important players with the announcement of Naval Energies, Thursday evening, the end of its investments in this sector of marine renewable energy (EMR).

Meeting at a council extraordinary management on 25 July, the subsidiary EMR Naval Group (former DCNS) has made this choice, preferring to turn now to floating wind and thermal energy of the sea.

" C ' is with regret, but responsibility, that we take this decision that is binding on us today. The deterioration of the market situation, in France and worldwide during the last few months, has resulted in a lack of commercial prospects that does not allow us to finance the development of tidal stream activities alone "Says Laurent Schneider-Maunoury, president of Naval Energies

High costs

World leader in EMR, the French manufacturer, whose tidal turbine was managed by OpenHydro, its Irish subsidiary, therefore throws in the towel. The badysis of its high structural costs and the lack of French public support, marked by the wait for the launch of a first commercial call for tenders for pilot farms, were the reason for its commitment. Britain's decision not to subsidize tidal turbine, coupled with Canada's sensitivity to the costs of technology, has reinforced its badysis of an unprofitable market.

In France, according to Naval Energies, The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) only foresees 100 to 150 MW installed by 2028, ie 50 turbines of 2 MW in ten years. An insufficient number for the group. " After a thorough discussion with the State and Ademe, it appears necessary to put an end to our investments ," said the industry.

The surprise industry

The decision surprised the whole sector, launched by François Hollande in September 2013 in Cherbourg (Manche). After investing more than 250 million euros since 2008, Naval Energies inaugurated last June 14 the first factory in the world badembly of turbines (9 employees) of 10 million euros on the same port of Cherbourg. The plant was to be the reference infrastructure for tidal power in France for future export markets.

An abandonment that immediately caused anger in Normandy. " The delays, the hesitations and the silence of the State were right of this big building site ", immediately protested the concerned officials (Region, County Council of the Channel, Agglomeration of the Cotentin and the city of Cherbourg -in-Cotentin) who will have invested a total of 100 million euros for the redevelopment of the port of Cherbourg in favor of EMR.

" The tidal stream did not die after this abandonment. The other French players must be able to play their game well. But these manufacturers need perspectives, volumes and rates of support from the state "said Marc Lafosse, chairman of the EMR committee at the Syndicat renewable energy (RES)

Other companies are pursuing tidal power projects. Hydroquest, located near Grenoble, has signed a partnership with the Normandy Mechanical Constructions (CMN), based in Cherbourg, for the construction of turbines. In Finistère, the SME Sabella, will reposition at the end of the summer one of its turbines off the island of Ouessant. The French tidal stream did not say its last word

To note

Judicial liquidation by an Irish court, OpenHydro should not honor orders for two machines for Japan and Canada.

Philippe Legueltel

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