The Wall of Brittany could be expensive for Romain Bardet


Romain Bardet lost time on the Tour de France favorites on Thursday in the stage leading to Mûr-de-Bretagne. – Philippe LOPEZ / POOL / AFP
  • Romain Bardet lost about thirty seconds on the favorites of the Tour de France. The Frenchman was the victim of a mechanical problem at the foot of the coast of Mûr-de-Bretagne.
  • AG2R rider points to 1'45 in the yellow jersey Greg Van Avarmaet
  • His team-mate Pierre Latour was second in the stage won by Dan Martin.

It was not until the sixth stage of Tour de France to see the first shots of theater. And it is mechanics that has held the leading role in Brittany. Pretending the final victory, the Frenchman Romain Bardet lost a big score of seconds on the favorites of the Great Loop. Well in its stage, the rider of AG2R was the victim of a mechanical problem at the foot of the coast of Mûr-de-Bretagne
where the Irishman Dan Martin has become a strong man

The hope of French cycling has had to abandon his bike and climb the coast with that of his friend Tony Gallopin. "Roman is very sensitive about his position. He could not approach the climb well. We preferred not to change the bike with the car, which would have lost even more time ", summarized Julien Jurdie, sports director of AG2R La Mondiale, at the finish line.

Romain Bardet broke his rear wheel 3.8km from the finish and finished with the Gallopin bike. He loses 31s: "The effort to return was fatal to me, these are the hazards." # TDF2018

– The Gruppetto (@LeGruppetto) July 12, 2018

A long time at the forefront, Romain Bardet crossed the line 32 seconds behind the winner of the day. hardly less on Froome and company. "It's not a good operation for him. It is always unpleasant to lose seconds on mechanical trouble, "says the sports director, who does not panic. "There is more than a fortnight of racing left." On arrival, we felt his manager a little more downcast. " It's like that. What is needed is that there are twists and turns in the right direction for the next stages, "Vincent Lavenu hopes.

Pierre Latour not far from the victory, Alaphilippe tried

Thursday, the boss from AG2R La Mondiale had a time hoping to see Pierre Latour win at the top of the Côte de Mûr, but he was too short to take the solid Dan Martin. "Pierre had decided to attack 800 meters from the line. We had a little hesitation because Romain had this mechanical problem. Once Romain returned to the peloton, Pierre was allowed to race. There is a nice second place. But there is frustration, "says Julien Jurdie.

Another Frenchman tried to catch the first tri-color victory of this Tour. But Julian Alaphilippe was too fair. "I gave everything I had. I'm a little disappointed. I was comfortable at first but I got stuck on the top. I stayed in my place. By finishing fourth in the stage, he went back to 4th place overall, six seconds behind Greg Van Avarmaet, who kept his yellow jersey.

Now 23rd at 1'45 of yellow jersey, Romain Bardet will console himself by seeing that Tom Dumoulin, unhooked after a puncture, lost even more time than him. The Dutchman finished 52 seconds behind the winner. The Wall of Brittany chose his men.

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