The world is small but it looks great – World Cup 2018 – Football


WORLD CUP 2018 – Tuesday in St. Petersburg, the French and Belgian neighbors have a rendezvous for the match of a lifetime and a semifinal that no one had imagined when the World began. The Blues, vice-champions of Europe, have a territory to score and a third world final to go. As for the Red Devils, this is the occasion or never.

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There will be only one and, seen from afar, it will not appease the planet, any more than usual. Because the high-level is governed by a basic and ruthless rule that leaves little room for feelings. Seen on the other hand, that one places oneself in the north as in the south of Quiévrain, the duel will have airs of heart-breaking. Because if you like to say bad things about your neighbor, it's often because you're fond of him, basically. Who likes to chastise well is well known. Tenderness is never far away. And she always returns to triple gallop when she carries with her the buried memories, those of another time, when French and Belgians were footballistically inseparable.

French and Belgians today share a certain sense of timing and a common feeling: this World Cup is for them. With the side of the "flat country", a sense of urgency mixed with the desire for eternity shared by the two opponents of a night. Because Vincent Kompany's Belgium is coming to the end of its history. She has never been so strong. And do not know if it will be still, in four years, when some of its executives will have left the ship.

Video – Why France – Belgium has everything from the ideal semifinal


Scoring machine that has just achieved the greatest feat of its history by leaving Brazil on Friday (2 -1), Belgium arrived thrown in front of the Blues who, after having fired all woods against Argentina (4-3), extinguished any inflammatory impulse of the Uruguayans (2-0). Tuesday night in St. Petersburg, the band Didier Deschamps will probably need once again his fire hose. But she would be wrong to imagine herself as a simple firefighter while she possesses in her ranks some arsonists, Kylian Mbappé in mind, and that in her half of the field, Belgium does not show the same confidence as when it walk near the opponent's goal.

This did not escape the Blues or Didier Deschamps who will also deliver a remote duel with the Spanish architect of Belgium, Roberto Martinez. Two years after hoisting the French in the final of the Euro, DD is attacking the planet. Facing a neighbor. The world is small.

The player to watch: Paul Pogba

He makes the best international tournament of his career. And seems freed from the weight that weighed on his broad shoulders during the Euro. Associated with NGolo Kanté, who does everything for his friends, Paul Pogba has shone since the start of the World Cup, offensively as well as defensively, where his impact in duels does not go unnoticed. Even if one looks at this France – Belgium by the prism of their respective attacks, it is not forbidden to think the factor X of this match will not be an attacker. Since the start of the World Cup, the Mancunian has been making a lot of money for the high recovery and transition phases. It's up to him to continue facing the Belgians. The key is between his feet.

Video – Pogba has the key to the match between the feet


Three stats to have in mind

  • Belgium has 9 different scorers at this World Cup 2018 (Mertens , Romelu Lukaku, Eden Hazard, Batshuayi, Januzaj, Vertonghen, Fellaini, Chadli and De Bruyne), only France in 1982 and Italy in 2006 totaled more on the same edition of a World Cup (10 scorers).
  • France have saved their cage in 3 of their last 4 matches, as many as in their previous 10.
  • Eden Hazard is involved in 14 goals in his last 14 games with Belgium (8 goals, 6 badists)

They said

           Didier Deschamps (France)

" My team will be ready for different scenarios, different organizations, both in the beginning and during the match.With the absence of Meunier, someone will have to replace, post for position or differently.Belgium has made its arrangements in relation to the Brazilians, it will take it in front of us, it is likely. "

Kevin De Bruyne (Belgium) [19659019] " This is the match where the difference is minimal, we will try to be ready physically and mentally.At the end, you go to the end to win.When they are stronger, they are more strong, this is the football but we will try to win the match. "

Video – France or Belgium: who has the best offensive triplette?


Our reviews

Since Saturday morning, the Tricolores strive to say, in chorus, it's 50-50. That they are not favorites of this semifinal. Nor can Belgians claim to be so. It sounds like the language of wood but it is not. Because it is very clever who can badure without blinking that one or the other nation will overthrow his opponent of Tuesday. Belgian offensive power is probably a notch above that of the Blues. For the rest, the balance tilts on the French side. After flaming against Argentina, content Uruguay, the Blues will have to do a bit of all that against Belgium. An entire program.

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