Thomas, Dumoulin, Froome, Roglic: the reign of the riders on the Tour de France


Thomas, Dumoulin, Froome and Roglic occupy the first four places of the general and crush the pure climbers, condemned to the supporting roles.

PAU – The lines that follow can depress those who dream of reliving the triumph of a climber like Marco Pantani, winner of the Tour in 1998. Twenty years later, the first four places of the general are forbidden to the specialists of the mountain, whereas the first and only individual time trial will take place only tomorrow.

The Pyrenees have confirmed what the Alps had done: the small climbers do not weigh heavy against the power of the Sky, and the greatest optimists can not imagine Romain Bardet explode this model today, between Lourdes and Laruns. Director of Performance at Groupama-FDJ, Fred Grappe redefined the debate. "What is a climber? It is based on the climbers before, who expressed their qualities in a different cycling. Today, the bike is stereotyped and we climb the mountain pbades at very high speeds, making the least possible acceleration, he explains. The goal is to save the machine. Climbing as before, with jerks, it's very expensive. To climb

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