"Those who say it are liars"


The investigation of suspicions of extra-billing during the 2017 presidential campaign has earned Mr. Melenchon, and relatives, stormy searches last week.

The Monde.fr with AFP
• Updated

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France unsubmitted on October 19 at the headquarters of his party.

In a new video published on social networks, Monday, October 22, Jean-Luc Mélenchon returned to the investigation of suspicions of over billing during the presidential campaign. This case has earned him, as well as his party, France insubordinate, and relatives, stormy searches last week.

"We never overcharged. Those who say it are liars "badured the deputy of Bouches-du-Rhone. A preliminary investigation by the Paris Public Prosecutor's Office had been opened, in particular after receiving a report in March "Overcharges" reported by the Campaign Accounts Committee (CNCCFP).

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Justice is still interested in Jean-Luc Mélenchon's campaign accounts

The CNCCFP, which validated at the end of 2017 the accounts of the eleven candidates despite some expenses removed (434 939 euros out of 10.7 million declared concerning Mr. Mélenchon), had justified this report by "Interrogations", especially on the expenses invoiced by the badociation l'Ere du peuple and by Mediascop. This company led by Sophia Chikirou took charge of all the communication operations of the candidate during the campaign, for an amount of 1.61 million euros, or 11% of total expenses. Mme Chikirou was heard Monday afternoon in Nanterre in the premises of the police anticorruption for an audition started Friday.

Charges of extra billing that Jean-Luc Mélenchon denies in this new video. "They [les médias] say: "You overcharged." It's from there that they put all their romance "he says. "There were overprices, they were made by the company Mediascop mainly" there are other charges and I would have benefited because we would have a personal connection. But all this must have a trace somewhere, right? " ATto continue:

"They did not even do the minimum work, that is to compare bills on the same benefits. It's very easy, just compare the bills of Mr. Macron, Mr. Hamon, Mr. Fillon and mine, and you know immediately how much are worth it. Because there is a market price. It's not worth talking all the time about the market and not referring to it when, by chance, it serves something. "

Radio France complains against Mr Mélenchon

Since these strained searches, Mr. Mélenchon has attacked the media violently. He notably criticized the journalists of Radio France, treating them of"Morons", from "Liars" and of "Cheaters", after the broadcast of a survey Saturday of France Inter on the suspicion of overbilling the presidential campaign of the leader of La France unsubdued. What led the group Radio France announced Saturday the filing of a complaint.

In his video published Monday, Mr. Mélenchon returned to this incident. "We are not at war, neither against the media, nor against justice, nor against the police, did he declare. But, on the other hand, there is a part of the justice, the police and the media that is at war with us because the government has decided to lead this incredible war that you have in front of you. "

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Mélenchon, targeted by the judges, attacks the media

In a statement released earlier Monday, about twenty companies of journalists and editors, including that of World, have brought their "Unreserved support" to the journalists attacked by the deputy. "We strongly condemn Jean-Luc Mélenchon's outrageous, insulting and threatening remarks to the press. These systematic and baseless attacks dishonor only their author ", deplore the organizations in this release.

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