Three dead on a sailboat in the Old Port of La Rochelle


Three bodies were found on a sailboat in the Old Port of La Rochelle this Tuesday evening, a little before 9 pm. That of a man in his sixties, a man in his thirties, and a woman whose age is unknown at the moment.

According to a police source, it is a witness who has warned the helpers. He was not far from the scene of the tragedy. He saw the scene, heard the shots.

The badagenarian shot at the woman and the thirties according to the first elements of the investigation, before returning the weapon against him.

The police are arrived in numbers. It must be said, that the boat is moored in the Old Port, extremely touristy place and crowded this Tuesday evening because of the semifinals of the World Cup between France and Belgium. The boat was only a few hundred meters from the entrance of the Francofolies de La Rochelle, a festival that starts this Wednesday.

 The drama was tied on board this boat, at the bottom, on the left. - Maxppp
The drama was knotted aboard this sailboat, in the background, on the left. © Maxppp
                            – Mélanie Domange

The findings lasted many hours, in the middle of the night, they were still not completed. Witnesses and relatives of the victims were heard by the investigators. The judicial police are seized of the investigation

 The meticulous work of the investigators. - Radio France
The meticulous work of the investigators © Radio France
                            – Melanie Domange

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