Thunderstorms. Eighteen departments placed on orange alert


Météo France has issued an orange alert for 18 départements this Friday, July 20th. Heavy rains, hail and strong winds are expected to fall on the Mbadif Central and Occitanie.

The weather forecast agency Météo France published this Friday, July 20 in its bulletin of 6:20, a warning to thunderstorms for 18

Are concerned: the Ain (01), the Allier (03), the Ardèche (07), the Aude (11), the Aveyron (12), the Cantal (15), the Drôme (26), Gard (30), Hérault (34), Isère (38), Loire (42), Haute-Loire (43), Lozère (48), Puy-de-Calais Dome (63), the Rhone (69), Savoy (73), Haute-Savoie (74) and Tarn (81).

This Friday morning moderate to strong thunderstorms are circulating on the Tarn and the Aveyron, while at the end of the night stormy showers concerned the north of Auvergne.

The storms will start again early in the afternoon, on the northern relief of the Mbadif central at first, then they generalize rapidly to the plain and afternoon regions in the north of the region (north Mbadif Central, Lyons basin in particular). A second stormy wave rises in the late afternoon on the south of the Mbadif Central and then concerns the average Rhone valley and the alpine departments in the evening and the next night.

Heavy rains and gusts of wind

According to Weather France, the phenomenon "requires particular vigilance to the extent that there is a strong risk (a high probability) of violent phenomenon. »Precipitation will be strong, with hailstorms and strong winds.

Thunderstorms will be strong, with heavy rainfall (locally more than 30 mm in a short time), hail, and locally gusts of wind above 80 km / h, especially on the Mbadif Central.The calm will be in the evening or early night, but rather late night on the Alps side.

Météo France also warns about the risk of lightning in Occitan.

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