To avoid going off the road, Tesla negotiates with its suppliers


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( – At Tesla everything is good to achieve balance! … Faced with major production problems encountered on its Model 3 electric vehicle, whose industrialization turns out laborious, and in order to secure the achievement of its financial objectives, which involve the achievement of breakeven as early as the third quarter of fiscal year 2018, the automaker decided to use a portion of its suppliers, asked to renegotiating contracts already signed

Short-term breath of fresh air

Confirming information from the Wall Street Journal, Tesla has just indicated that it has asked "just under a dozen suppliers" to give him discounts on signed contracts. The goal for Tesla is "to improve its competitive advantage" while the company founded by Elon Musk considers itself in a good position, with the rise of Model 3, to rediscuss with its partners.

Under the Financial market pressure on its cash consumption, Tesla wants to optimize its cost structure to ensure the financial viability of its latest model of electric car in the long term, while getting a boost on its cash for the third quarter while the cash hole was 1 billion euros at the end of March.

Publication in approach

Will this suffice to rebadure a financial community more and more divided on Tesla? Response mid-week next, Wednesday, August 1, precisely, when publishing the second quarter results of the fime. Increasingly contested, Elon Musk will have the opportunity to make amends, after his exit on Twitter and his lack of patience with badysts. He will have some work to do to show that he is the man of the situation and not just a visionary.

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