Tobacco: Your cigarettes will soon be tracked


On June 28, the World Health Organization ratified a treaty to fight cigarette smuggling around the world. An international protocol that will track packages produced by the tobacco industry through a comprehensive traceability system. At a time when countries are multiplying the guidelines to reduce the number of smokers, the illicit trade in cigarettes is well established. Thus, many packages produced in Eastern Europe or Algeria are resold under the mantle in France. Associations and governments therefore hope that the traceability of cigarettes will drastically limit these frauds. The JDD tells us that this technological feat will be possible via a marking system coupled to a huge database. In detail, as of May 2019, "each pack of cigarettes will carry at least five identification marks.Each country will be able to choose its own in a panoply of solution (tax stamps, barcodes, Qr codes, holograms)", explains to JDD Rodolphe Gintz, Director General of Customs. Finally, all this information will be linked to a database to which the authorities will have access to control the transport vehicles.

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