Tobacconists "ready" to sell cannabis


Tobacco farmers are "ready to market" cannabis in case of legalization and even demand "exclusivity" of its distribution to offset a decline in cigarette sales, said the president of the Confederation of tobacconists in an interview to Parisien .

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" We are for recreational cannabis if it is regulated, and we are ready to market it in our tobacco shops, "said Philippe Coy, president of the Confederation of tobacconists, in an interview published Saturday. "On June 18, I even proposed to the Minister of Health to go further and become the first cannabis reference network if it is, one day, legalized in France," says the tobacconist.

This statement comes as coffee shops selling products based on cannabidiol (CBD) have spread in France and some of their managers have been indicted, including for "transport, holding, offer or badignment, acquisition or use of narcotics ".

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