Tom Dumoulin and Primoz Roglic, last fighters against the Sky


As the Sky extinguish the competition, the Dutchman and the Slovenian, on Saturday's attack, embody the ultimate hopes of overthrow.

MENDE – The collective force of the Sky, serving two leaders who seem able to win the Tour without much fear, could depress their rivals. The challenge is still alive, and the coast of the New Cross has emerged Saturday the faces of Tom Dumoulin and Primoz Roglic. The latter dared to carry the attack that blasted the group of favorites, and it allowed him to nibble eight seconds to Geraint Thomas and Chris Froome, who crossed the line with Dumoulin. The Dutchman also tried to escape the British in vain, but they inspire him few complexes. While the reporters spoke before him "Fortress Sky" his large white teeth suggested that he could bite anyone. "We always have the hope to beat them. If I do not run to beat Sky, so do not

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