Too shy to take the trophy, Kanté needs Nzonzi's help


Kanté with the trophy. – FRANCK FIFE / AFP

He made a huge World Cup. N'Golo Kanté reigned supreme in the French midfield with Paul Pogba, although in the final against Croatia on Sunday night, the Chelsea player was in trouble and much less in view. N'Golo Kanté was even replaced a little after halftime by
Steven Nzonzi, who brought a lot more size and cohesion to the midfield.

And, as usual, the former Caen player stayed behind during the celebrations. He did not even, according to several journalists present in the stadium, dare to take the trophy on the lawn of the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow.

The definition of humility, long live N'Golo and bravo NZonzi ??? [19659005] (images @BBC ) #kante #nzonzi # CDM2018 # World Cup2018

– Kotbi miloud ( @miloudkotbi) July 16, 2018

Steven Nzonzi took the lead, seized the trophy from Florian Thauvin and pbaded it to N'Golo Kanté, who was able to pose with the photographers . Before being carved all evening by his teammates.

Nnnnnnnnn'Golo Kanté !!! ???

Backstage Victory on Snapchat !! ➡️ equipedefrance

– Team France (@equipedefrance) July 15, 2018

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