Tour de France 2019: arrivals in Valloire, Tignes and Val Thorens in Savoie


The last stages of the Tour de France 2019 will make more than one suffer. They will take place at home, in the Alps. Judge percentages and unevenness!

18th stage Embrun – Valloire on July 25th:
Vars Pbad: 9.3 km at 7.5% (2109 m)
Izoard Pbad: 14.1 km at 7.5% (2360 m)
Col du Galibier: 23 km to 5.1% (2642 m)

In this first act of the "alpine trilogy" according to Christian Prudhomme, organizer of the Tour, no less than 3 consecutive pbades over 2,000 meters. Vars, Izoard by its side "the wildest", and the Galibier.

19th stage St-Jean-de-Maurienne – Tignes on July 26th:
rise of Aussois: 6.5 km at 6.2% (1467 m)
Iseran Pbad: 12.9 km at 7.5% (2770 m)
climb from Tignes: 7.4 km to 7% (2089 m)

After Bonneval-sur-Arc, 13 kilometers to more than 7% to reach the Iseran, the highest road pbad in the French Alps at 2,770 meters, the "Tower roof".

20th stage Albertville – Val Thorens on July 27th:
Cormet de Roselend: 19.9 km at 6% (1968 m)
Longefoy coast: 6.6 km at 6.5% (1190 m)
Val Thorens: 33.4 km at 5.5% (2365 m)

Second stage 100% Savoyard. Technical descent of the Cormet de Roselend, unpublished course by Longefoy, ultimate climb of this edition by "the endless climb " to the highest resort in Europe: Val Thorens. At 2,300 meters above sea level, it will be "the highest finish in the history of the Tour ".

The route of the Tour de France 2019
The route of the Tour de France 2019 – ASO

Val Thorens, the ultimate ascent

Just before the final sprint in Paris, the Tour de France riders may decide in this twentieth stage particularly selective.

After the departure of Albertville, the runners will cross the Beaufortain, climb the spectacular Cormet de Roselend, before returning to Moûtiers and attack the 34 km climb of the Belleville Valley by the road on the balcony of Saint Laurent de la Côte (either 19 kilometers more than the climb to Alpe d'Huez).

A pbadage in the village of Saint Martin de Belleville and the resort of Les Menuires will lead the peloton until the arrival in Val Thorens Chalets du Thorens in the heart of the ski area at 2365 meters above sea level. A last mountain stage of 131 km and almost 4,563 meters of cumulative elevation gain!

Every year only one stage of the Tour de France is open to amateurs, usually the queen of the circuit which is this year Albertville – Val Thorens.

The challenge, Albertville – Val Thorens this year, for the 15,000 amateur cyclo-athletes from around the world will take place on July 21st.

Zoom on the Iseran Pbad, mythical and unknown

It may be the highest road pbad in France, at 2770 meters above sea level, its history with the Tour is only 7 pbadages.

And the Maurienne slope was rarely climbed by the riders, the last time in … 1963!

From the village of Bonneval, 12.9 kilometers of climb, 7.5% slope, waiting for the peloton. About the climb of Alpe d'Huez that would begin at 1800 meters above sea level, according to the formula of Tour Director Christian Prudhomme.

In this mountain setting, Louison Bobet had solemnized his withdrawal from the Tour. In 1959, the triple winner of the event had to climb the giant to dismount at the top and give up permanently.

37 years later, it was in convoy that the riders of the 1996 Tour crossed the summit. The start of the scheduled stage in Val d'Isère was postponed due to snowfall making the route impractical for a cycling race.

"The Iseran has been very little used but it is part of the myth, which is often born of scarcity.There is also its altitude, it is almost at the altitude of the surrounding peaks, landscapes, all the colors of the sky. That's wonderful", describes Christian Prudhomme.

Romain Bardet, who likes to climb for pleasure when he stays in Haute-Tarentaise, will surely be of this opinion.

The pbadages of the Tour de France at Iseran:
1938: Félicien Vervaecke (BEL)
1939: Sylvère Maes (BEL), against the clock
1949: Pierre Tacca (FRA)
1959: Adolf Christian (AUT)
1963: Fernando Manzaneque (ESP)
1992: Claudio Chiappucci (ITA)
2007: Yaroslav Popovych (UKR)

No arrival in Grenoble

Grenoble, alas, will not celebrate the 100 years of the magical yellow jersey. It was worn for the first time in the capital of the Alps, by Eugene Christophe.

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