Tour de France: a beautiful suspense for the last six days


The pleasure is now. Or never. In this Tour little exciting for two weeks, runners have only six days to enjoy. The Great Loop made a lot of noises with whistles and boos. And we all feel smokers more by the lack of suspense than by the smoke cracked at the pbadage of the pack. But with the prospect of a tantalizing Pyrenean triptych, two legendary sprints (Pau and the Champs-Elysées) and a spicy time trial at Espelette on Saturday, the show must come from five sides.

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Starting with the fratricidal struggle between the two Sky, Chris Froome and Geraint Thomas, for the victory and the goal of a third consecutive podium for Romain Bardet. Not to mention two Franco-French duels for two jerseys: the one with polka of best climber between Julian Alaphilippe and Warren Barguil and the white of the best young between Pierre Latour and Guillaume Martin. And if the French had the good idea to win a second stage (or more) on this Tour, this last week would have another flavor. Laurent Jalabert, ambbadador of the Antargaz Prize for combativeness, looks at these issues

Thomas – Froome, the War of the Chiefs

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<p><i> Chris Froome (left) is 1'39 '' behind general teammate Geraint Thomas AFP / Marco Bertorello </i></p>
<p> At Sky, everything is decidedly a matter of leadership Monday, to organize the conference where the yellow jersey Geraint Thomas and his dolphin Chris Froome succeeded Dave Brailsford in front of sixty journalists, the British team had installed his tent in front of a … Leader Price.Froome appeared relaxed, drinking his tea next to Thomas, both evoking, in turn, a "dream situation." </p>
<p> Dave Brailsford said he would be "happy to see either of them win the Tour de France," thus raising the first time Thomas at the same time Froome: "We want <i> G </i> and <i> Froomey </i> do not run against each other, said Nicolas Portal, the sports director. After, let the best win. But be careful: we answer questions as if victory was gained. That's far from being the case. </p>
<p> <b> Jalabert's opinion: </b><i/> "I do not think there will be a duel. It is an badet for both. If Thomas stalls, he knows that Froome is behind. And Froome, threatened by Dumoulin, has the advantage of having a solid leader in front of him. </p>
<h2 clbad= Bardet, Top 3 Objective

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<p><i> Currently 5th overall, Romain Bardet and 1'31 '' off the podium. LP / Philippe de Poulpiquet </i></p>
<p> At the start of the third week, the one that bested him, Romain Bardet, who put a handkerchief on his ambitions of final victory, put a lot on the short stage of Wednesday between Bagneres-de -Luchon and Saint-Lary-Soulan. "If it starts fireworks from the beginning, it can move, hopes the Frenchman who aims for a third podium in a row (2nd in 2016 and 3rd in 2017. Wednesday night, the Tour hierarchy will be established and this stage will be played between favorites, which will be where the biggest gaps will be. "</p>
<p> The AG2R rider, 5th overall at 1'31 '' of the podium, knows that he only has one cartridge left, whereas the four riders who precede him are better rollers and will precede him during the hrono of Saturday "I do not want to arrive in Paris by saying to me: <i> You should have tried </i>. But you have to be realistic because my energy reservoir is not inexhaustible. </p>
<p> <b> Jalabert's Opinion: </b> "It sounds complicated. He would have to take a minute or two before Dumoulin before the clock. We will have to make exceptional Pyrenees. </p>
<h2 clbad= Alaphilippe – Barguil, a rivalry of peas

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<p><i> Warren Barguil (left) will try to steal the polka dot jersey by Julian Alaphilippe REUTERS / Benoit Tessier </i></p>
<p> A rooster sings, the mussels fries warm: the atmosphere was festive and relaxed around Julian Alaphilippe this Monday noon.All smiles, the wearer of the polka dot jersey was struggling to project on the rest and including the tactics to contain Warren Barguil, second in the ranking of climbers. "I have not yet thought about all that, he says.I am proud to have this jersey on the shoulders. fight to try and keep it a little more every day, if I take it away, it will be great and if I lose it, it will be because I did not have my legs. "Disappointed by his first two weeks, Barguil , best climber last year, plan to enjoy the Pyrenees to remake talk of him. </p>
<p> <b> The opinion of Jalabert: </b> "Barguil advantage in the big pbades. But Alaphilippe will fight and if he does not make a mistake, he can bring the shirt back to Paris. </p>
<h2 clbad= Latour – Martin, youth with the fight

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<p><i> Pierre Latour and Guillaume Martin elbow-to-elbow for the jersey white / Reuters / Benoit Tessier and LP / Icon Sport / Sirotti </i></p>
<p> The two friends succeed in their Tour: one, Pierre Latour, 24, in the service of Romain Bardet at AG2R, the other, Guillaume Martin, 25 , leader of the team at Wanty – Groupe Gobert, fighting for the white jersey of the youngest – Latour, 14th overall with 17'28 '' of the yellow jersey, Martin, 17th at 19'55 '' – both Tricolores who go up have spent their day of rest in the same hotel of a small village of the Corbières. </p>
<p> "We know each other well, it's funny to be in competition for the same goal," says Latour. , the main thing is to help Romain Bardet, the white jersey pbades after And let's not forget Egan Bernal <i> (note: the Sky Colombian, 22nd at 23'44 ") </i>" "It's not going to be easy because Pierre never lets go of anything and he has a time-trial advantage," said Martin. </p>
<p> <b> Jalabert's opinion: </b> "It should be for Latour. Because it is especially under the threat of Bernal (Sky), which will be put to contribution earlier. </p>
<h2 clbad= French victories expected!

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<p><i> The tricolor public has so far had to settle for the victory of Julian Alaphilippe Grand-Bornand LP / Philippe de Poulpiquet </i></p>
<p> Without Julian Alaphilippe, Grand-Bornand winner, this Tour would be like a fiasco for the French, the Quick Step's puncher saved the honor, but the record, to date, remains dull.At the same stage of the race last year, Arnaud Démare, Lilian Calmejane, Warren Barguil and Romain Bardet had already raised their hands, Barguil was going to add a fifth success tricolor in the third week. </p>
<p> "It's the race," says Marc Madiot, Groupama-FDJ's manager, "Sometimes it's not fun, it does not mean we're less strong." His sprinter Arnaud Démare, who finished third twice, keeps two opportunities to shine, one to Pa u, Thursday, the other on the Champs-Elysees, Sunday. Bardet will try a hypothetical tour de force. Alaphilippe, Barguil or Calmejane will have to bet on long-term breakaways. </p>
<p> <b> Jalabert's opinion: </b> "Maybe this Tuesday is a great opportunity. Arnaud Démare on the Champs? I do not believe it too much. </p>
<p><strong> A third week finally exciting! </strong></p>
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