Tour de France: Five things to know about Egan Bernal (Sky) – Tour de France


Alongside Geraint Thomas and Chris Froome, Egan Bernal (21), the "youngest" of the Sky, impresses. Portrait.

A name from Greek mythology

His mother, Flor Gomez, employed in a flowering merchant factory, is the origin of the name of young Bernal, not widespread in Colombia there is twenty years. At birth, on January 13, 1997 at noon sharp and under rather hasty conditions, the mother of the little Colombian Sky team absolutely wanted to baptize him Egan, against the advice of Patriarch German Bernal. Flor Gomez was inspired by Greek mythology, where she discovered that the etymology of this name meant "champion", "spirit of fire" or "fiery young man."

Does the Sky have already won the next French Tour?

Hyperactive, pneumonia and yellow bicycle

Egan Bernal was barely six months old when he was hospitalized because of pneumonia that forced him to stay under medical supervision for five months. From his first steps, to …

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