Trader killed in spectacular robbery on Aubervilliers highway


Everything happened very quickly, Monday evening July 9, around 20:15, at the exit Aubervilliers of the A86, under a motorway bridge often bottled. The attacked man, a trader in his forties, was killed by his attackers .

Around 8:15 pm, on Monday evening, a car equipped with a police beacon forces a van to stop , at the exit of the A86. On board the van, a shopkeeper who was holding an art and craft stand at Japan Expo, which was held until Sunday at the Parc des Expositions in Villepinte.

Five men wearing hooded jackets and wearing vests bullet-proofed "police" officers get off the masked car in a police vehicle and aim the two occupants of the van, also shot by two men on scooters . The victim resisted and a projectile cut off the femoral artery.

The criminals, who seem "seasoned", according to the investigators with regard to the methods employed, took the escape with a briefcase which contained about 100,000 euros fruit of the sales realized during the show.
" The attack was audacious because at the place where it took place, at the roundabout under the motorway bridge which is often congested, there is had a lot of witnesses but they believed in police control as we see in the movies ", says one of the investigators.

The investigation is entrusted to the Brigade of repression of banditry.

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