The power supply station Montparnbade will be restored Tuesday late afternoon at the latest, or as early as Monday in the afternoon if the tests are conclusive, said Sunday the president of RTE. Traffic, however, will not return to normal as quickly.
Travelers using the Montparnbade station will still have to be patient … The traffic should become "close to normal" only Friday, and "completely normal" Monday August 6th. A period of time needed to ensure the maintenance of TGV once the high voltage power supply has been restored, said the SNCF. In fact, no improvement in sight this Monday, three days after the fire of a substation that paralyzed all rail traffic to the west of France. The SNCF plans, as Sunday, to run one train out of two. "As long as the current is not restored, we keep the same device," said a spokesman for the SNCF. "Beyond being able to run the trains, we must ensure their maintenance and ensure the comfort of travelers … and every day that pbades, we have more and more trains stored in maintenance," he explained. . The maintenance workshop of TGV trains near Montparnbade is, in fact, no longer supplied with electricity.
"ALSO READ – Montparnbade:" The travelers paid their tickets. There should be a plan B! "
The incident on Friday disrupted the movement of trains in the middle of the summer crossover in the second station of France for the TGV traffic. The maintained trains were divided between the stations of Montparnbade and Austerlitz. "115 mainline trains will be removed Monday, or 50% of traffic originally planned" at the station Montparnbade, said a spokesman for the SNCF, stating that of the total remaining trains, "60% leave and arrive in Montparnbade and 40% are reported on Paris-Austerlitz. If the departure of TGV to Brittany and Pays de la Loire remains in Montparnbade, those from or to the Southwest are redirected to the station of Paris-Austerlitz. TGVs to Tours and Poitiers are removed, travelers are invited to use Intercity trains from Austerlitz. For those who can, the SNCF advises to postpone their trip. The tickets will be fully refunded after three hours late.
»READ ALSO – SNCF: Parisian stations often paralyzed by technical incidents
Montparnbade: the work should be completed Tuesday – Watch on Figaro Live [19659007Howevertheelectricitytransmissionsystem(RTE)announcedSundaynightthatthepowerstationwillberestoredearlierthanexpectedTuesdayeveningatthelatest"TheworkwillbefinishedtomorrowmorningsowecandotheelectricaltestsbeforecommissioningtomorrowatmiddayIfthesetestsareconclusivewecanrestorefoodMondayafternoon"saidSundaythePresidentofRTEFrançoisBrottesatapresspoint"IftheyarenotwecanrestoreTuesdayattheendoftheday"headdedThisisaclearreductionindeadlinespromisedbythehigh-voltagegridmanagerwhowasinitiallyplanningaturnaroundonThursday"Weworkedthreetimesfasterthanusual"saidFrançoisBrottes
A fact-finding mission ordered by the government
The SNCF had asked RTE to find a solution as soon as possible to allow normal operation of the Paris station, before the date of Thursday, August 2, announced at the start by the high voltage network manager. This announced delay of almost a week for a return to normal power supply from the station prompted the government to open a "fact-finding mission". It will "shed light on these food conditions and identify alternative solutions to be implemented in the future to prevent this type of situation can not happen again," said Nicolas Hulot, Minister of Health. Ecological transition, and Élisabeth Borne, Minister of Transport
»READ ALSO – SNCF wants to make RTE pay for its black weekend in Montparnbade
SNCF has announced its intention to seek compensation from the electricity manager . "We will turn to our provider RTE to ask him to compensate us," said Saturday the CEO of the public company Guillaume Pepy, saying that these disruptions should cost "a few million euros". RTE has acknowledged its responsibility. The provisional solution, "but durable in time," said Sunday François Brottes, to replenish the station, is to create a bypbad of the station Issy-les-Moulineaux and the damaged part of the cables of the post.
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