two figures of the ultra-right condemned


Two figures of the ultra-right, Yvan Benedetti and Alexandre Gabriac, were sentenced Wednesday in Lyon for having reconstituted or maintained two organizations dissolved after the death of Clément Méric five years ago.

While six suspended prison sentence had been required at the hearing on 4 June in the Criminal Court, the two nationalists were sentenced to days-fine – 80-day fine at 50 euros for the first and 30 for the second -. In the absence of payment, they will have to serve their sentence in prison.

Even if he reserves the right to appeal, Alexandre Gabriac considered this sentence "light", a sign, according to him, that "justice no element "against them. The French Work (OF) and Jeunesses Nationalistes (JN) were dissolved by decree on July 25, 2013, a few weeks after the death in Paris of militant far-left Clément Méric, in a fight with activists close to another third right group, Third Way, also dissolved

Yvan Benedetti, 53, had taken the head of L'OEuvre française – a Petainist movement founded in 1968 – in 2012, after being excluded from the National Front – of which he was a municipal councilor in Venissieux (Rhône) – for having qualified himself "anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish". Elected FN regional councilor in the Rhône-Alpes in 2010, Alexandre Gabriac, 27, had founded the JN after his exclusion from the party frontist for a photo on which he made a Nazi salute.

After several months of police investigation the two men were indicted in 2014, the courts accusing them of having continued their activities through other organizations located at the same addresses and disseminate the same ideas on the website mentioning their agendas . At the helm, Alexandre Gabriac had badured not to claim as leader of the JN after the dissolution, while Yves Benedetti had claimed not to respect judicial decisions when they are illegitimate ", posing as the president" against all odds " of the French Labor.

An appeal against the dissolution of the two organizations is to be considered before the European Court of Human Rights, said Mr. Gabriac A victory before the high court "invalidate the sentence" pronounced Wednesday by the Lyons court, he added.


Death of Clément Méric: the charges against the principal suspect confirmed on appeal

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