two sharks seen near the shore


Surprising scene for vacationers present in the evening of Saturday near the port of Propriano in Corsica. Indeed, two sharks, one of which seemed in trouble are spotted, and the alert is immediately given. As revealed France 3 Régions rescuers at sea, firefighters and gendarmes went on the spot, discovering only one of the two individuals described.

Still according to the national media, their mission was simple: at first, establish a safety zone to leave space to the suffering shark. Then, mount a rescue operation to bring it back into deeper waters. In the end, the shark died during the maneuvers, for reasons still unknown.

"For security reasons, in agreement with the biology department of the faculty of Corte, the corpse was extracted from the port by the SRA SNS 714 and left to the care of the specialized services "explains one side of the Facebook page of the rescuers at sea.

In order to rebadure the population, these last ones insisted to specify that the shark, of the blue shark type, was harmless to the man. It "feeds on squid, fish, small sharks, crustaceans and more exceptionally birds and corpses of mammals." "Most of the altercations between blue sharks and humans take place in deep water and near small boats, and juvenile specimens that live in nursery areas can sometimes venture near the shore."

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