Two years later, people start to like No Man's Sky – Pop culture


The last major update of No Man's Sky seems to have first positive spin-offs.

Will 2018 be the year of redemption for No Man's Sky ? It's very possible, or at least it's going the way. On July 24, 2018, Hello Games rolled out the Next Update, bringing new gameplay elements, improving graphics and adding multiplayer mode. Since then, the positive returns are shared in bulk on Steam. This has not always been the case.

" Very good game since the last MAJ, 3rd person at the top, generation of planets improved and especially the multi that actually transforms the game" or again "The game we wanted! " can we read in the recent comments left by the players. Over the past 30 days, 83% of the 3,787 ratings were positive. An evolution noted by Sean Murray, director of the game.

we mixed with wood

– Sean Murray (@NoMansSky) July 25, 2018

No Man's Sky Comes Back

No Man's Sky was released on August 12, 2016 on the Valve platform. That day, the game of exploration articulated around a mathematical formula capable of randomly generating thousands and thousands of planets fell on a wall: 18 663 negative reviews, against 15 875 positives. The sequence of events was not better and the bellows quickly fell. Some have even taxed the false advertising experience, a charge refuted by the ASA, the advertising regulation agency in the UK, after investigation.

Obviously, several studios would have dropped the case. But Sean Murray and his team have stood firm, operating a mea culpa in the form of ambitious updates to rectify the shooting. This was not always enough: on November 25, 2016, before the Foundation Update, returns were always more negative than positive. This has been much more with the 1.3 Atlas Rises update, especially centered on storytelling: on August 11, 2017, No Man's Sky collected more positive than negative ratings (2,331 vs. 521)

Steam No Man's Sky Review // Source: Steam screenshot on July 26, 2018

And these last days give reason to No Man's Sky Next :

  • July 24, 2018: 510 positive evaluations (against 90 negative),
  • 25 July 2018: 1 309 positive evaluations (against 260 negative),
  • 26 July 2018: 602 positive evaluations (against 153 negative).

Is this the attractiveness of the novelty which would be at the origin of this surge of craze? It is still too early to say. But still the efforts of Hello Games seem to pay: after all, great battles are won by small victories.

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