Unauthorized work in Arles: Nyssen regrets "negligence"


The Minister of Culture and former President of Actes Sud Françoise Nyssen today said she regrets a "negligence", after being pinned by the Chained Duck for irregularities during work at the headquarters of the house of edition, in the clbadified center of Arles. In its last two editions, Le Canard Enchaîné revealed a series of irregularities noted during inspection visits in the block of the city of Bouches-du-Rhône where Actes Sud has installed its offices, a bookstore, a restaurant and a cinema.

According to the weekly, a request for regularization of work undertaken from 2011, would have been filed in 2017, after the entry of Françoise Nyssen to the government, on behalf of a SCI controlled by her husband, Jean-Paul Capitani, who replaced her at the head of the publishing house. "I regret this negligence," said the Minister of Culture today in an interview in La Provence. "This is not a political question and it does not concern me directly," added the minister.

The Chained Duck in particular revealed that an opinion unfavorable to the continued operation of certain premises was given by a safety commission in 2011, no action, after illegal work, and that other work, such as a building elevation and installation of air conditioners in front, had been made from 2013 without respecting the prescriptions of the architect of the buildings of France or with an outdated building permit.

"The steps were carried out in the rules but with a delay of one year which was worth offense", justified Mrs. Nyssen, who must surrender Monday in Arles to launch the Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie. "For several years, Jean-Paul Capitani has started the regularization of works (…) in connection with the town hall," she added in La Provence. "I hope that this episode will not forget what Actes Sud owes to Arles and what Arles has become through this wonderful editorial and cultural adventure," the minister concluded. In the Chained Duck, Jean-Paul Capitani had badured that the elevation work had "never been the subject of any dispute" and that the extension work of the bookstore did not require "any declaration or prior authorization". The PCF mayor of the city, Hervé Schiavetti, badured AFP at the end of June that there was "no particular clemency" with regard to the couple.

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