used products in stores


We find almost everything here, except for textiles and furniture. If the hyper of Roques-sur-Garonne (Haute-Garonne) now devotes 400 m² of its site to the sale of second-hand objects, it is that the niche is buoyant. " It is part of the new trends that are being eco-responsible, recycling, giving a second life to products ," said François-Paul Puyraudeau, General Manager of Leclerc Roques-sur- Garonne

Purchasing power in Leclerc vouchers: hyper gives captive money, money to spend on its shelves alone. The clientele, for the moment shy, seems to appreciate. On the side of badociations, which are also in this niche of opportunity, this approach is sometimes synonymous with competition. " The big difference between Leclerc and Emmaus is that when you buy Emmaus, there is a whole project behind, with 130 people living in a community ", explains Benoît de Richemont, in charge of the Emmaüs site in Labarthe-sur-Lèze (Haute-Garonne)

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