Verdun: a man discovers shells in the Meuse during a swim


A photographer from the south of France on vacation in Lorraine made a surprising discovery on Thursday, July 26, reports France 3. While the man in his forties was walking his cousin's dog to In the vicinity of the Meuse, north of Verdun, the canine jumped into the water to cool off.

As the animal did not seem to want to return to the shore, the photographer decided to pick him up. After wearing a jersey and a diving mask, he jumped into the water. And it was then that he came face to face with several shells covered in mud.

"There were many shells there, I counted fifteen, but there were perhaps the double "He tells France 3. To attest to his discovery, the photographer then decided to return to the edge to take his waterproof camera, before returning to the water to film his find. Images he shared on Facebook in the wake.

A vestige of the Second World War?

The mayor of the commune baderts to France 3 that he is not surprised by this discovery. "German soldiers had set up a camp near the village," he recalls. According to the elected, the German soldiers could have wanted to make them unusable by throwing them in the Meuse, during the American offensive in the region. For its part, the mayor has alerted the gendarmerie, the prefecture and the mine clearance service of Metz. According to the channel, they should intervene in the coming days.

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