VIDEO – Bernard Tapie suffering from cancer: his touching confidences to children in the program Au tableau


This Saturday, November 17, Bernard Tapie participates in the show To the blackboard broadcast on C8. The opportunity for businessmen to talk about their cancer and discuss the disease with children.

Bernard Tapie has agreed to confide. The businessman will make an appearance this Saturday, November 17 in the show To the blackboard on C8. Faced with smiling and attentive children, the former boss of the OM opened up on his illness: this cancer of the stomach that eats for more than a year. But no question of giving up: Bernard Tapie was once again very combative face disease. He explained how he fought on a daily basis. " For those who do not do sports like me, by bike, athletics etc … it is necessary to go up on the chair, I go down, I go back, I go down, no matter: I move! Explained Bernard Tapie mixing speech with gesture, under the amused eyes of the students. "You will remember that ? "throws the businessman to the children explaining on the board, using a drawing that"When someone has nasty cells, there must be good cells to catch them!" and conclude, motivated And there you win! "

During the show, a student shyly asked him if he was afraid of death. Answer given by the interested party: "I had a blue jitters when I was your age. I was afraid of death. I said to myself, 'How is that possible?' Whenever I went to see my grandparents who were no longer there, I said: 'But to say that they are there … And as and when as you get older and become aware that it can happen" said the businessman with great honesty, adding: First of all, nature is well done because as the age progresses, it becomes less and less friendly. You can not eat what you want, so I'm not afraid of that. "

Photo Credits: C8

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