VIDEO. MEP shows off thong in Irish Parliament to denounce rape trial verdict


To great evils the great means. In anger at the verdict of a rape trial in Cork, Ireland, MP Ruth Coppinger put on a lace thong in the middle of the Irish Parliament. The member intended to denounce the defense of the lawyer of a 27-year-old man accused of rape and acquitted. In her closing remarks, attorney Elizabeth O'Connell said: "You have to look at how she was dressed, she was wearing a lace thong.""In this country, women are starting to worry a bit as the routine of blaming victims continues in Irish courthouses and lawmakers in this Parliament continue to do nothing"said Ruth Coppinger.

The Irish took the case on social networks by posting photos of their underwear with the hashtag #ThisIsNotConsent (this is not consent). "Most of my underwear is in lace, it does not mean that I want to be raped, whatever I wear, no means no ", wrote one of them. But the mobilization now exceeds social networks. For several days, Irish women go out on the streets to make their voices heard.

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