VIDEO – Strasbourg: Hunger strikers opposed to the Great Western Bypass (GCO) undress


"No, we do not eat at night and we do not go on a hunger strikeis the message of the anti-GCO hunger strikers stung by the words of some who suspect them of not going on a hunger strike, but in turn, the six hunger strikers came forward face the press this Monday to provide evidence of their weight loss.

They noted on their belly the number of pounds lost. Losing a lot of weight in a short time, is a shock for the bodies of these men and women. "To get up we have to go slowly, we have vertigo" explains the youngest striker in the group, Aurélie Kuhn, 35. "Just down the stairs, it's difficult, I'm 35 years old and that age, we want to fart shape and clearly there I see that to get up we must do it slowly, otherwise our body plays us Even down the stairs, because our toilets are in the basement, or for the toilet, you have to do it slowly. [les grévistes vivent et dorment dans une église qui les accueille le temps de leur grève, ndlr]. I see, this morning, I took a chair, for me brush your teeth, sitting."

Hunger strikers undress, lost pounds on their belly / © C.Munsch / France3Alsace
Hunger strikers undress, lost pounds on their belly / © C.Munsch / France3Alsace

While these anti-GCO activists undress and speak in front of the press, the sixth seems to take a long time to arrive. When suddenly, a voice announces that the striker in question, a man over 69 fell. Indeed, a man is on the ground, motionless. One of the people present asks him if he is in pain somewhere. He answers that he suffers in the lower back. Rescuers present recommend not to move, cover him with clothes to keep him warm, call Samu and firefighters. Police arrive, followed by firefighters who take the man in charge, immobilize his cervical, install on a couple and evacuate.

Earlier in the morning, the mayor of Pfettisheim and thirty people from the villages of Pfettisheim and Pfulgriesheim (Bas-Rhin) were mobilized on Monday against the slaughter of fifteen trees.

Police and firefighters help the hunger strike man on the ground / © CMunsch / France3Alsace
Police and firefighters help the hunger strike man on the ground / © CMunsch / France3Alsace

Below, the letter of Marc Hoffsess. He went on a hunger strike for a fortnight and addressed the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, who did not do the gesture they expected, to know how to come to meet them, while he was Strasbourg for commemorations of the end of the First World War, Sunday, November 4, 2018.

Mister President,
I am here to give you news of my fellow hunger strikers. When you came to Strasbourg on Sunday, November 4th, you slept a few hundred meters from them, waiting for you. The protocol level of your visit apparently prohibiting you from receiving them, you have sent a counselor to the representatives of the collective that supports them; she did not find it useful to inquire about their condition.
For having fasted with them during the first fifteen days of the strike, I can tell you that the effort is hard, both physically and psychically. They begin their fourth week of fasting and all the doctors will tell you that now they are seriously endangering their health, even their lives. They are very weak. One of them develops a disturbing cough, the others lose their voice, all lost between eight and twelve kilos.
You know that their peaceful protest is directed against the highway project of major bypbad west (GCO) of Strasbourg. Citizen mobilization against this project is old, because this project is absurd, as it goes against the history and the very principles of our Republic.
"The only valley in Europe bordered by two lanes"
It is now badumed, even within your Government, that this end of the toll motorway of 24 km would not bring any improvement to the traffic congestion of the Strasbourg conurbation, nor to the air pollution that characterizes it sadly. It would promote road transit from north to south of Alsace, doubling the existing Autobahn A5 on the other side of the Rhine. We would live thus, between Vosges and Black Forest, in the only valley in Europe which would count two corridors with lorries! Worse, the low GCO toll would attract trucks that would like to avoid the German LKW-Maüt ecotax!
By the way, besides several dozen protected natural species, this GCO would destroy more than 300 ha of land of a Kochersberg, all of which indicates that it will have to return to its historic vocation as a nurturing loft in Strasbourg and Alsace.
Mr President, what is the meaning of such a project, when the entire world scientific community is alerting us to the urgency of dealing with the worst crisis that humanity has ever had to face, the one that touches the very conditions of its survival on Earth? ?

Collective Hunger Strikers GCO No Thanks to Bischheim Church (doc)

Beyond its meaning, the way in which this project is conducted also leaves one speechless. Who initiated it? The State. Who educated the studies and procedures? The State. Who evaluated its impacts? The State. Who chose the dealer to make it? The State. Who has defined with this concessionaire the compensatory measures of its impacts? The State. Who authorized the start of the work? The State. Who made derogations from the common law to get the project into the nails of the court decisions that were unfavorable to him? The State. Who controls the effectiveness of the compensatory measures? The state …
"Does the right to the environment exist? "
In its hectic activity to impose this project, the State ignored the results of all the consultations to which the law subjected it, nor the two negative opinions of the national council of nature conservation, nevertheless consultative organ of your Government Neither the negative opinions of the Environmental Authority nor the negative opinions of successive public inquiry commissions.
Does the law of the environment still exist in our country, when those who are in charge of applying it are flouting it and the objectives and the spirit? What can one say about the decision taken in summary proceedings "exceptionally" by the Administrative Court of Strasbourg not to suspend tree cutting, despite the "serious doubts" it recognized regarding the legality of the orders under appeal? What about these new interim judgments, – emergency procedure, in principle – postponed to several weeks, when the trees concerned have been slaughtered? What about these court decisions that will fall in several months, probably negative, but are rendered obsolete, since the work will have been largely started?
Mr President, the anomalies in this dossier are too serious and numerous for you to continue to endorse them. There is an ecological and climatic urgency; our trust in the functioning of our institutions, of which you are the guarantor.
Strasbourg hunger strikers threaten no one. They do not plan to burn highway gantries, dump dump trucks in front of prefectures, or block roads in the country. Their action is non-violent and affirms, by their fasting, to which many of our fellow citizens have joined, a principle of sobriety which seems to us essential to the resolution of the challenges that are before us.
The outcome of their action belongs to you, in full responsibility.
Mr President, you had the exemplary courage to abandon the airport project at Notre-Dame des Landes. We encourage you to persevere in this way, by pronouncing a moratorium on the GCO project (there is still time), in order to allow its overhaul.
We do not forget that in France, dozens of these useless and ecocidal projects raise the same questions and oppositions as the GCO project. Your Government would honor history if it took the decision to re-examine them in the light of the exceptional and dramatic issues of our century.
Receive, Mr. President, my most respectful greetings.
Marc Hoffsess
Striker of hunger anti-GCO and pro-clima

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