Virginie Calmels denounces "threats" by Laurent Wauquiez


After her brutal ouster from the vice-presidency of the Republicans, Virginie Calmels settles her accounts with Laurent Wauquiez. In an interview at the "Point" published Thursday, the former close to Alain Juppé claims to have suffered "intimidation" and "threat" from the president of the political party. Contested accusations in the party staff.

In this interview, Virginie Calmels recounts a meeting with Laurent Wauquiez in March. She had just severely criticized the National Front on social networks while, rare fact, the FN (now RN since) called to vote for a candidate LR in a by-election in Mayotte.

As already mentioned we will always prefer to lose rather than win through any alliance with the FN. Our values ​​are not negotiated through shameful electoral agreements! Total support to our candidate Elad Chakrina! #Mayotte

– Virginie Calmels (@VirginieCalmels) March 15, 2018

"A very violent scene"

A freedom of yours that would have made the Republicans' boss furious. "I am summoned the following Tuesday for a one-to-one meeting in his office. It's a very violent scene. He is in the intimidation, the threat. The tone goes up very hard, it does not finish well, "says Virginie Calmels.

" 'You're crazy for having made a tweet like this!', He tells me. I thought he was going to come to blows. From this day, our relationships become electric. I decide not to talk to him anymore and to communicate only in writing with him. We enter an unfriendly relationship. I have a ball in my stomach just the idea of ​​going to his office. I say to myself that it can be of great brutality and limitless, it worries me, "she continues.

Revelations that do not pbad

Of this disagreement on the attitude to be adopted vis-à-vis the FN will be born a relationship at loggerheads between Laurent Wauquiez and Alain Juppé's deputy mayor of Bordeaux, who was appointed vice-president of the party in sign of openness. A battle by media intermediary that resulted in the dismissal of Virginie Calmels mid-June and its replacement by the mayor of Antibes and former minister Jean Leonetti.

Since his dismissal, Virginie Calmels had been discreet in the press until this interview at the "Point". And, in the entourage of Laurent Wauquiez, these revelations do not pbad: "An interview that falls under the psychiatric", so reacted a close to the president of the Republicans.

"Virginie gets lost with such accusations", has estimated, for its part, one of the spokesmen of the party, Lydia Guirous. "Can not imagine Laurent Wauquiez in aggression, let alone with a woman," says another spokesman, Laurence Sailliet. The principal concerned has not (yet) reacted to these allegations.

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