Wall Street, betting on an EU-US trade deal, ends up


New York – Wall Street ended strongly on Wednesday as the market benefited from an agreement between Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on the trade front.

According to the final results at closing, the Nasdaq, with strong technological color, took 1.17% to 7,932.24 points, a new level.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average index gained 0.68% to 25,414.10 points.

The expanded S & P 500 index rose 0.91% to 2,846.07 points.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and US President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that they have reached an agreement, defusing months of trade disputes between Washington and Brussels that has resulted in reciprocal punitive adounière taxes.

The European Union will increase " immediately " its soybean imports from the United States and Europe and the United States move towards " zero tariffs " in non-automotive industrial trade, said the US president.

" It seems to the markets that we have avoided the war " commercial, commented Gregori Volokhine of Meeschaert Financial Services.

" Although other major conflicts related to international trade are not settled, at least the tension has been eased" on this thorny issue, he added.

Although these announcements were made after the closure of Wall Street, press information had filtered before closing, causing the indexes to rise.

– + 66.67% –

Values ​​of the automobile sector, very chahutées during the session, limited their losses, General Motors eventually losing 4.64%, Ford 0.47% and Fiat Chrysler 11, 83%.

These values ​​had suffered after press reports evoking the will of Donald Trump to impose this year a tax of 25% on the equivalent of $ 200 billion of vehicles built abroad.

In addition, the publication of GM's quarterly accounts showed the impact of the higher cost of raw materials as a result of the new steel and aluminum taxes imposed by the Trump administration.

The US President promised to " resolve " the issue of tariffs on steel and aluminum when he spoke with Mr. Juncker on Wednesday.

The aircraft manufacturer Boeing, which lost up to 3.5% in session because of adverse results, also resumed at the end of the session to lose more than 0.66% at the close.

The US international group, like Caterpillar (+ 1.82%), is very sensitive to information related to the trade war.

Among the other companies to release their results, Coca-Cola soda and non-alcoholic beverage-maker took 1.83% after exceeding expectations in the second quarter, benefiting from a renewed appeal for bottles from the brand of the same name, especially light drinks.

US courier group UPS (+ 6.90%) benefited in the second quarter from the rise of online commerce, which boosts the number of packages to be transported, and an increase in its price.

For its debut on Wednesday, the Bloom Energy company, specializing in the energy sector, electrified the markets with a jump of 66.67% to 25.00 dollars.

The bond market was tense: around 20H50 GMT the yield on the US ten-year debt rose to 2.969%, against 2.949% Tuesday at the close, and the 30 years at 3.098%, against 3.076% at the end of the session former.



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