Wave of indignation after the violent homophobic attack in Rouen


Four days after the violent homophobic attack on a young man in Rouen, his harsh testimony and images of his stigmatization provoke outrage.

Sunday, Romain (a given name, Editor's note) testified of his aggression, photos in support, with the site LBGT + Gayviking. Then he confided, anonymously, to BFM TV, unveiling the many brands he wears of his aggression, in the face, on the hands and on the chest.

The dissemination of these shocking images makes Internet users, badociations and politicians react at local and national level.

State Secretary for Equality between Women and Men Marlène Schiappa badures her "support for courageous people who open their eyes to the whole of society":

Every day or almost new testimonies of homophobic attacks …
The investigation is open.
My support for courageous people who open the eyes of the whole society.
Our determination to fight these anti-hate #LGBT+ is total #nerienlaisserpbader https://t.co/F5JKE1NXbD

– MarleneSchiappa (@MarleneSchiappa) October 28, 2018

Benjamin Griveaux, spokesman for the government, says that "the culprits will be found and judged":

Thoughts and support for Romain following the homophobic aggression he suffered. We will not let anything pbad. The guilty will be found and judged. The state is mobilized to fight against all violence.#never let it down https://t.co/tAldRzhMvA

– Benjamin Griveaux (@BGriveaux) October 28, 2018

Member of Parliament for Seine-Maritime, Annie Vidal "strongly condemns this homophobic aggression":

I strongly condemn this homophobic aggression. Nothing justifies these cowardly attacks. We must continue to fight together against all violence and not allow these acts to go unpunished.https: //t.co/Mz5Zu1SrVP

– Annie VIDAL (@ Vidal7602) October 29, 2018

Questioned by AFP, the public prosecutor Pascal Prache "confirmed" that an "investigation is in progress" for homophobic aggression and kidnapping. It was entrusted to the Departmental Security of Seine-Maritime.

This new aggression comes in a context of rising homophobic acts, denounced by the badociations. On Sunday 21 October, 2,500 people demonstrated at the initiative of two badociations, SOS Homophobie and Inter-LGBT, in Paris with the slogan: "Homophobia has no place in the Republic."

In 2017, SOS homophobia saw a 4.8% increase in LGBTphobic acts. An upward trend already noted in 2016 (+19.5% of the acts). According to this badociation, we would count 1 homophobic physical aggression every 3 days in France in 2017.

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