"We can not hide anymore, we must affirm our ambitions"


The PSG striker, 19, was again phenomenal in the difficult victory of the Blues against Belgium in the semifinals of the World Cup (1-0). He gave himself to the press after the meeting, with his coolness always nice

Kylian, what is your feeling after this World Cup semi-final won against the Belgians?

We are super happy, proud . It remains a match and we will give everything. All we have left, we will put it on the ground and we will see where it leads us, but I think it can take us far.

What was the role of Didier Deschamps in the preparation of this semi final ? What did he tell you before the match?

He thought that Belgium would make two or three changes compared to the match against Brazil (2-1). That's what happened. The Belgians bet on the physical impact in the middle, with Fellaini, Dembélé, very strong players. We knew that Hazard and De Bruyne could make a difference at any time. We had to keep an eye on them. Belgium was a difficult team to beat, and it was a very good competition.

"We suffered together"

Do you have the feeling of having controlled the match?

No, it Was a superb team in front, well settled, complete. It was really a complicated part. We scored on a set kick and then we were solid, solidary. These are values ​​that will have to be maintained to win the competition. We can no longer hide, we are in the final, we must badume our ambitions.

France gives an impression of great pragmatism since the beginning of the tournament …

We must know how to adapt to situations. We can not always do what we want. Especially when we play against teams like that, who impose their pace. We suffered at times, but we suffered together and scored on one occasion.

"Belgium is the strongest opponent we have met"

Is Belgium the Strongest Opponent that you met?

Yes, I think. The Belgians are complete, strong in all areas, have great players everywhere, so it was complicated.

We feel a real collective strength among the Blues for a few games …

Yes, we went up in power. The knockout matches were a snap for us. We thought that a second competition was starting. We put all the ingredients on our side to continue. We want to go all the way now.

The last twenty minutes have been complicated for you, having to defend?

Yes, but it is a duty to give everything we have, all that it remains. They are not the most pleasant, but in the end, it's worth it.

"If I offended the Belgians, I apologize"

Some Belgians reproach you for having overplayed (the simulations ) in the field. What do you think?

They can think what they want. If I offended them, I apologize. I'm in the final, that's all.

Tell us about your incredible pbad for Giroud in the second half, a roulette followed by a kind of heelade?

It's instinct. I had seen before he was free of marking. I tried to play it as quickly as possible so that it is in the best conditions. Too bad he did not score.

As an individual, you seem particularly at ease in these high pressure matches.

Yes. You win, you go on. You lose and you go home. So you have to raise your level (smile).

A word on the purpose of Umtiti?

Congratulations to him. He will remember it all his life, and all the France will also remember it.

To be world champion at 19 years old, it would have the mouth not?

Even at 40, it has the jaws ! (laughs)

There was a lot of Zidane after 1998. Will there be a lot of Kylian after 2018?

Whether Kylian or another, the most important thing is to win the tournament .

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