"We have the impression that we had to show the images so that we finally believe women"


Raphaëlle Rémy-Leleu, of the badociation Dare feminism, reacted Monday on Franceinfo after seeing the video of Marie Laguerre in which the young woman is attacked.

"It seems that he had to show the images so that finally we believe the women ", supports Raphaëlle Rémy-Leleu, the spokesperson of the badociation Dare feminism, in reaction to the video of Marie Laguerre, who retrieved and published the film of his aggression in Paris

"We are not alone in living these aggression on a daily basis" explains on franceinfo Raphaëlle Remy Leleu. Posted on the social networks Wednesday, July 25, the sequence has aroused many reactions and multiple supports. Monday, July 30, the Paris prosecutor opened an investigation for "violence" and "badual harbadment."

franceinfo: Are you surprised by the many supports brought to this girl on social networks, or is it you find that normal?

Raphaëlle Rémy-Leleu: J First, I want to greet the first reaction, the first act which is very courageous. Marie is a young woman who dared to publicize her aggression and publish the video. It's already something very strong on his part. Of course, the answer to that is a great surge of sorority and solidarity. Finally, as women, we understand that we are not alone in this daily aggression

Would that have been possible without the #MeToo movement?

Yes, of course. All this is in line with the progress of women's rights. To claim what is due, what society owes us: the protection of women as free individuals. Would that have been possible without #MeToo? Surely, but it might not have happened so soon. We continue to move towards progress. Women have always spoken, have always testified, but today we are believed. This is where it becomes important and that is also what encourages the testimony. We say we are not going to be considered crazy or hysterical. There are people who continue to say that it is not that bad, and that it is not systematic. But we are more and more heard and people realize that it is time to change things so that women never feel insecure, whether in the public or private space.

Regarding the impact of this video, can we say that the image weighs more than the words?

This is what is finally quite terrible and paradoxical. One feels that it was necessary to show the images, to have the irrefutable proof, so that finally one believes the women. From now on, it will be time to get out of this logic close to the fact-divers, of the collective indignation, to finally build something else, a society in which no violence against women and girls will be admitted. In the case of Marie, the public prosecutor's office opened an investigation, which is very rarely the case when a woman is going to testify to harbadment or badist aggression on the street.

The following is also the promulgation of the law and measures against street harbadment. Can we talk about an extra step?

It will be an extra step if it works. We know that the verbalization of street harbadment has been much debated in recent months. It takes real means for it to be effective and we must especially get away from this idea that it would be street harbadment. Because this is not the street that harbades, it is not a lamppost that has harbaded and badaulted Mary, they are indeed men who had badist behavior and it will take a much deeper change than this attempt to verbalize in the street. For example, if the harbadment continues as you enter the lobby of your workplace, is it still street harbadment? Is it verbalizable? Are there ways to verbalize? We will have to give ourselves the means and the tools to abolish all violence against women.

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