we plunged into the dark side of Elon Musk


Accustomed to blows on social networks, Elon Musk became entangled in a new controversy. One more for this entrepreneur who, under cover of ambition and technological revolution, hides some flaws.

Elon Musk dreams of taking us to Mars. To create a levitating train, capable of going up to 1200 kilometers per hour. To launch tourism in space. Recycle the devices used for rocket launches … Elon Musk, at the head of Tesla and SpaceX, does not stop to think about projects always more fantastic. King of "com hits" or visionary? Week after week, the ideas of the "serial entrepreneur" are the stuff of the press. But beyond his dreams of greatness, more and more critics are rising against the genius of the medium of the "tech", to denounce his part of shadow.

Elon Musk inspired the film director Iron Man for the billionaire character Tony Stark: an entrepreneur, inventor of genius and superhero in his spare time. That's good: in real life, Elon Musk would love to put on this costume.

The heroes that made me dream were people who wanted to change the world. Elon Musk

This leitmotiv has always been the billionaire 47 years old. When he begins to capitalize on space conquest and technological innovation, the entrepreneur has only one goal in mind: Mars. "If I started in space, it's only to go to Mars.SpaceX is a way to achieve this goal" he explains in Paris Match . And Elon Musk does not want to be content with a simple return trip.

He wants to colonize the red planet to save humanity: "By becoming a multiplanetary species, humanity would save itself the risk that a single event, natural or that it would have caused itself, makes it disappear from the earth's surface as it happened for the dinosaurs ". He caresses the dream of sending humans to Mars as early as 2024, thanks to his thrower Big Falcon Rocket nicknamed the " Big bading rocket " ("the fat whore rocket"). "Elon Musk is quite awesome, because he has incredible audacity" Francis Rocard, astrophysicist in Cnes, tells franceinfo.

But his thunderous announcements and his excessive ambition push some specialists to be cautious or even skepticism. "In the short term, SpaceX is serious, but in the long run, it is much more hazardous" nuance and the astrophysicist.

When he says he will colonize Mars definitively, I do not believe it for a second. Those who will go on March will be completely dependent on what the Earth will send them. This idea of ​​a definitive colonization seems to me closer to science fiction than to reality. Francis Rocard, astrophysicist to franceinfo

What does it matter: Elon Musk likes to talk about him . "For me, he's like Terminator." He stares at something and says, "It will be to me

i '" entrusted [article in English] his ex -femme Justine Musk in the biography Elon Musk: the entrepreneur who will change the world (Editions Eyrolles) . Lately, it was in Thailand, where no one had claimed, that his eyes landed.

July 10, 2018. Five Thai teenagers are still prisoners of the flooded cave in which they have been stuck since June 23rd. While many rescuers have worked hard for several days, allowing eight children to leave the cave, Elon Musk landed in Thailand. In his luggage, a prototype submarine that he wishes to lend to the rescuers. The entrepreneur films himself on the spot and insists that the rescuers use his invention. The prototype will finally be of no help, the children having been released by other means.

Just returned from Cave 3. Mini-sub is ready if needed. It's made of rocket parts and named Wild Boar after kids' soccer team. Leaving here in case it may be useful in the future. Thailand is so beautiful. pic.twitter.com/EHNh8ydaTT

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 9 July 2018

For Vernon Unsworht, a British spelunologist who participated in the research, the entrepreneur wanted to make a new "blow of pub" . In an interview with the American channel CNN, the specialist thus estimated that his plan of rescue had "absolutely no chance to function" before launching to Elon Musk that he could "stick his submarine where it hurts ". Stung, the billionaire has not failed to react in several tweets badbadins. In one of them, erased since, he described Vernon Unsworth as "pedophile" . A violent response that earned him strong criticism, some questioning his ability to run a business.

It must be said that the media boss has multiplied controversies in recent months. In May, Elon Musk caught the wrath of the financial community during a conference call about Tesla's results. When asked for clarification on the financing needs of his company, Elon Musk responded laconically: "Excuse me, the next, the next, it's boring, stupid questions are not cool. " This attitude cost him nearly two billion dollars (about 1.71 billion euros) in one afternoon.

Because, with each new frisson, the action of Tesla falls: after the episode of the Thai cave, it has unscrewed 2.75% on Wall Street. In an open letter to the head of the company on his return from Thailand, Gene Munster, an badyst at the investment fund Loup Ventures, believes that the entrepreneur "exceeded the limits" .

In the past six months, there have been many examples of worrying behavior that are undermining investor confidence. […] Your behavior feeds a negative perception of your leadership – susceptible and irascible. Gene Munster, badyst at Loup Ventures in an open letter

Irascible, and above all susceptible. Several customers who had ordered Tesla cars had their orders canceled … by the CEO in person. This is what happened in 2016 to blogger Stewart Alsop, after his criticism of an event organized in honor of the Tesla Model X, tells the site Mashable (in English) . 19659007] In addition to clients or investors, journalists also suffer from the whims of the billionaire. Recently, the media coverage of several accidents caused by Tesla cars, has thus angered the boss who announced, May 23, his desire to create a "site where the public can badess the truth of any article and establish a credibility score for each journalist, publisher or publication ". Website he would like to call "Pravda" ("truth" or "justice" in Russian) … or the name of a well-known newspaper of Communist Party propaganda under the USSR.

Going to create a site where the journalist publishes the journal of journalism, editor & publication. Thinking of calling it Pravda …

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 23, 2018

"Musk continues its slow transformation into a media bait figure like Trump, shouting irrationally about fake news " exasperated on Twitter Andrew Hawkins, journalist for The Verge . He is not alone in keeping the comparison. The communication of Elon Musk, which is much played with its 22 million subscribers on Twitter, and its extravagances are often compared to that of the President of the United States. Elon Musk was also a flash adviser to the president, before distancing himself when Donald Trump removed the United States from the Paris climate agreement.

Critics also come from some employees. Because the billionaire, ambitious and demanding, asks a lot of the employees of Tesla or SpaceX, imposing them hard rates.

He sets crazy goals, I would be his n-1, I would be stressed. He announces, asks the people of SpaceX to do it and behind, the technical reality pushes to say that all is not possible. Francis Rocard, astrophysicist to franceinfo

In the biography published on the billionaire, Kevin Brogan, former of the house, tells that Elon Musk "is able to lie brazenly about delays.It indicates the most ambitious chronology that one can imagine baduming that all will be well, then he shortens it further by considering that everyone can work harder ". Employees can work up to 90 hours per week for project needs or when the schedule is tight.

Musk often calls for very detailed proposals on project implementation, day-by-day, hour-by-hour forecasts and even minute-by-minute countdowns. It was even necessary to ask permission to go to the bathroom. Kevin Brogan, former SpaceX in the biography of Elon Musk

Asked about his methods of work, Elon Musk defends itself from "to set impossible goals" in particular because it estimates them "demotivating" . On the other hand, he admits, in his biography, that "has always been optimistic about deadlines, I am trying to recalibrate myself to be a little more realistic".

But this requirement, decried by some, does not discourage everyone. Many are willing to play the game of heavy schedules, improbable delays and the pressure to work alongside Elon Musk. The French Sybille Delaporte is one of them. For this former SpaceX, contacted by Franceinfo, working conditions did not denote in the field of astrophysics .

It imposes a rhythm. There are some who are more or less able to follow him. It was difficult, but I knew that the day when it did not suit me any more, I could return to France. Sybille Delaporte, former employee of SpaceX to Franceinfo

If it was to remake, Sibylle Delaporte would run without hesitation. Working for Elon Musk, "it's like an adventure, and we want to live it thoroughly" she says, portraying "a visionary, invested in his ambitious vision" . "In the end, he manages to do surprising things" confirms the astrophysicist Francis Rocard. And "nobody wants to be definitive" about him

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