What did Benalla have access to?


Almost a week after the Benalla affair broke out, the portrait of Emmanuel Macron's "Monsieur Sécurité" is slowly emerging. Many revelations also highlight the real or supposed benefits enjoyed by Alexander Benalla, even if the president's chief of staff, Patrick Strzoda, tried to minimize Tuesday before the commission of inquiry, saying that "i There are no advantages, it is the missions that were entrusted to Mr. Benalla that justified these means of operation. What were these duties?

A staff apartment on the Quai Branly

Since July 9, Alexandre Benalla had had a 84m² office building at the Alma Palace, Quai Branly, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. where there are 63 other residences of function. Well after his sanction for violence committed during the demonstration of May 1.

According to information from "the Express", a budget of 180,000 euros would have been provided to bring together two apartments and to make a duplex, with an area of ​​almost 200 square meters . The Elysee has denied this information, described as "pure fake news". "In November 2017, it was decided for the site of Alma a complete renovation of four apartments that were" in poor condition ", said a spokesman for the Elysee, who "denies" the meeting of two apartments as well as "inaccurate" figures. The Elysee specifies that the former collaborator Emmanuel Macron has never lived there, living in his apartment Issy -les-Moulineaux.

A salary of a chargé de mission

"Alexandre Benalla has never won 10,000 euros!" Tuesday evening Emmanuel Macron, breaking his silence on the case. "I have heard that Mr. Benalla was paid 10,000 euros a month, that's not true!" Patrick Strzoda told the commission earlier. Five days ago, "Le Parisien" claimed that Alexandre Benalla's monthly salary was around 10,000 euros per month. Contrary to the "advisers", as "chargé de mission", Benalla escapes the controls of the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) according to Mediapart. His salary is therefore not public. "But according to the spokesman of the Elysee," the salary of Alexandre Benalla was 6,000 euros net per month, not 10,000 euros. "

A car equipped with police accessories [19659003AcarfromtheElyséecarparkhasbeenmadeavailabletoAlexandreBenallaAccordingto"leParisien"itisaRenaulttalismanequippedwithpoliceaccessories:lightfittingsLEDsbehindthewindshieldandatthefrontInsidethecreek

The company car of Alexandre Benalla was equipped with police accessories https://t.co/xKkjbDFzH0 pic.twitter.com/x5WPmql7kD

– BFMTV (@BFMTV ) July 20, 2018

"It was a service car […] that brought him very often on the ground to prepare for the President of the Republic but was also integrated into the presidential motorcade, which explains that it was equipped with a certain number of special equipment x which were installed by the garage of the Elysée ", justified Tuesday Patrick Strzoda.

On Wednesday, the military commander of the presidency Eric Bio-Farina, questioned by the investigation committee of the National Assembly, said that the vehicle available to Alexander Benalla "was not equipped by the garages of the protection service ".

A license to carry a gun

In October 2017, the prefect of police Michel Delpuech issued a license to Alexandre Benalla. "Mr. Benalla has repeatedly asked the Ministry of the Interior to obtain an authorization to carry weapons," said Gérard Collomb, questioned in the National Assembly. With his status as a Reservist Constable, he was the seat of the Ministry of the Interior to get one. But Place Beauvau was reluctant to give it to him. The answer was negative three times, in 2013, 2016 and 2017.

On the eve of the presidential election, to read the e-mail exchanges which were leaked, the campaign team found that Benalla had a weapon: he had indeed been authorized to wear one during the presidential election, but only at the premises of candidate Macron's headquarters. According to the Minister of the Interior, Gérard Collomb, it is only in October 2017, once Emmanuel Macron in power, that he will obtain a real license of carrying of weapon. The police chief Michel Delpuech admits having granted him, at the express request of the Elysee, but only for the exercise of his functions with the head of the State.

An authorization "secret defense"

According to information from "Point", after an investigation conducted by the DGSI, at the request of the hierarchy of the chargé de mission, Alexandre Benalla was entitled "secret-defense" for five years since June 2017

"Alexandre Benalla was indeed entitled" secret-defense "But this is nothing exceptional: it is the case of all the employees of the Elysee who have access to the agenda of the president", badured the Elysée. In France, 400,000 people are entitled to secrecy defense, according to a report by the Secretary General of Defense and National Security.

Access to the Hemicycle

Alexandre Benalla had in his possession the badge "H", which gave him access to the Hemicycle, revealed Saturday, July 21 Marc Le Fur, deputy LR Côtes- d'Armor.

There are "several thousand badges for deputies, civil servants, collaborators, and a number of collaborators of the executive, ministers, including the President of the Republic", tried to to minimize the president of the Assembly François de Rugy (LREM), "it has always been like this"

A diplomatic pbadport

According to "the World", Alexandre Benalla also had a diplomatic pbadport, usually issued to French diplomats by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is accompanied by diplomatic immunity.

A promotion to the rank of lieutenant-colonel

Reservist since 2009, Alexandre Benalla entered the "special operational reserve" at the rank of lieutenant-colonel in 2017. [19659020] A promotion that goes wrong within the gendarmerie, because he had no military reference and no recognized university courses to have access to this rank.

To say that it took me 22 years of service, to go through 5 military schools, including the War School, to get a doctorate, to serve in four regiments, to beat me for six opex and two years in the bush, to be a lieutenant-colonel … when it was enough for me to be a little hit. What a con!

– Michel Goya (@Michel_Goya) July 21, 2018

The keys of the villa of the presidential couple

According to "the Opinion", Emmanuel Macron had entrusted to Alexandre Benalla the keys of the villa of Touquet, whose his wife is the owner. The second home of the couple.

"His skills may not be the right explanation: Benalla was a junior officer, but he lived in the intimacy of the presidential couple, so he had to know things that made him a real of the president, far superior to his status on paper, "said a relative of the president.

E. P.


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