what to remember from the interview of Patrick Strzoda, Emmanuel Macron's chief of staff


According to the revelations of the World, it was he who had authorized Alexander Benalla to participate in the demonstrations of 1-May. The next day, he had temporarily suspended the young collaborator, after watching videos showing him hitting a protester.

His testimony was eagerly awaited. Patrick Strzoda, Emmanuel Macron's chief of staff, was heard by the members of the commission of inquiry that is working on the Benalla affair on Tuesday (July 24th). If he swore to tell the truth, he nevertheless explained that he would stick to saying what he was authorized to declare. Here is what to remember from his intervention.

He returned to the punishment inflicted on Alexandre Benalla after his violence

Patrick Strzoda took the time to describe in detail the day of May 2 during which he learned that the "chargé de mission Elysee would have behaved inappropriately and shockingly " while accompanying police officers, as an observer. After watching a video showing the violence committed by Alexander Benalla, he decided to summon him.

I informed him that his participation in a law enforcement operation was not part of an observation mission, and that his faulty behavior was unacceptable and would therefore be subject to punishment. Patrick Strzoda before the commission of inquiry of the Assembly

The director of cabinet specifies that he immediately informed the general secretary of the Elysée . "The President of the Republic was in Australia and about to go to New Caledonia for a highly sensitive trip."

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He then returns to the sanction, judged too light by much inflicted on Alexander Benalla. "On the one hand, there is a 15-day suspension without pay, on the other hand, a change in Mr. Benalla's badignments, equivalent to a demotion since he was discharged from participating in the organization of the official travels of the President of the Republic. "

Photos have however weakened this version of the Elysee Palace: on 13 and 14 July we see Alexandre Benalla accompany Emmanuel Macron on the move to Giverny (Eure) and during

He thought that the police were aware of Alexander Benalla's participation in the demonstrations of the 1st of May

At the request of Alexander Benalla, Patrick Strzoda the authorized to participate in a police observation mission, under the authority of the Paris Police Prefecture

>> Three questions about the role of "observer" occupied by the collaborator of the police 'Em Manuel Macron during the 1st of May

During his hearing, the Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic tried to justify this decision: "He indicated that the invitation had been made by Mr. Simonin, Chief of Staff of the DOPC at the Prefecture of Police ".

I considered that the invitation to him was from a senior officer of the DOPC and it happens that this senior officer I know him. He has a reputation as a professional (…) I have deduced that the hierarchy of the police prefecture was informed. Patrick Strzoda before the commission of inquiry of the National Assembly

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Laurent Simonin is one of the police indicted for "breach of professional secrecy" and "misappropriation of images from a video surveillance system" after transmitting images video surveillance in mid-July to Alexandre Benalla

Monday, the director of public order and traffic in the Prefecture of Paris (DOPC) Alain Gibelin, said during his hearing that Laurent Simonin does not had not informed of Alexander Benalla's participation in the police operation. "At no time I am informed by the one who should have informed me, namely the Comptroller General Laurent Simonin" he then said. The Paris police chief, Michel Delpuech, also said he had not been kept informed of the presence of the Elysée's chargé de mission during the surveillance of the demonstration on the Place de la Contrescarpe.

He explains why he did not warn justice

First to have been made aware of the actions of Alexander Benalla, Patrick Strzoda did not relay the information to the prosecutor, what others him have blamed. Gerard Collomb said on Monday during his hearing that it was up to him to take the necessary measures and to notify the prosecutor based on Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Patrick Strzoda felt that he did not have "enough elements" in that sense. "This inquiry did not give rise to a complaint or ITT" he justified

This decision, "I took it alone, in my soul and I never spoke to the head of state, who was 10,000 km away (traveling to Australia), who returned on May 6. I was recruited to this position to take care of the It's really my responsibility, and I badume that " he explained in response to a question from PS MP David Habib.

" I do not I did not speak with the Head of State, and I was not commented on the decision I made " insisted the senior official, saying he had shared his decision on May 2 to the secretary general of the Elysee Alexis Kohler, who informed Emmanuel Macron. "As soon as the president was informed I implemented this measure and I did not receive any instructions to the contrary."

Alexandre Benalla

"I could not answer this question because we touch the heart of the organization" . The director of cabinet has aroused a real outcry from the deputies by refusing to reveal the benefits that Alexandre Benalla enjoyed, so far, as a chargé de mission at the Elysee.

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Previously he had, however, been anxious to deny certain rumors circulating since the beginning of the affair.

I heard that he had a monthly salary of 10,000 euros: that's wrong Patrick Strzoda before the Assembly's inquiry committee

" I heard that he was going to settle in a 300 square meter or 200 square in the Place de l'Alma, which is false "he said. that Alexandre Benalla was about to be appointed sous-préfet and asked again about Alexandre Benalla's salary and job accommodation a little later during the meeting, Patrick Strzoda denied that it was "privileges" or "19459006" "advantages" claiming that these were adequate means to carry out its duties.

However, the Chief of Staff gave no figures on remuneration which benefited the young man "This information is known to the Court of Auditors which controls us every year and they are known to the parliamentary mission of the Finance Committee. So this information is at your disposal " was it satisfied to specify.

In the evening, it was denied on this point by the UDI MP Philippe Vigier. " Contrary to what Strzoda baderts, neither Lise Magnier nor me, the special rapporteurs of the 'public authorities' mission, have any information on the remuneration and benefits granted to Alexander Benalla. (…) We will write without delay to the Elysee to obtain this information " reacted the elected on Twitter.

He tried to explain the role of Alexandre Benalla at the Elysée

What exactly did Alexander Benalla do with Emmanuel Macron In a few sentences, the director of cabinet tried to say a little more about it in this respect? distinguishing the posts of "deputy chief of staff" and of "badistant to the chief of staff" .

Among the persons badisting the chief of staff, "there is an badistant chief of staff who is the subject of an appointment which is published in the Official Journal. In this case, it is Mr. Rodrigue Furcy who is sub-prefect ", he detailed. Patrick Strzoda distinguishes them from "badistant chiefs of staff who are under the authority of both the chief of staff and deputy chief of staff and whose appointment is not published in the Official Journal ". He explained why Alexandre Benalla does not appear on the official organizational charts of the Elysee Palace. A somewhat convoluted response that left the deputies doubtful.

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