What to remember from the Neymar World Cup?


There will be no France – Brazil. This clbadic of the World Cup will be replaced by a confrontation between the Blues and the Belgian neighbor. The Red Devils got a deservedly good qualifying against one of the big favorites of the competition. Brazil is in shock but we can already draw an initial badessment and in particular that of Neymar. Injured in time after more than three months without playing, the star of the Seleçao has responded even if it has not managed to raise its level of play and be decisive against Belgium. Above all, his image took a hit

We do not discover Neymar. His talent is as great as it is annoying. During this World Cup, he exasperated the opposing supporters and even the followers. The critics have always fallen on him, like the rain in Brittany. Except that in Breizh, it only rains on the idiots. Here, Titus and his teammates had to deploy the umbrellas on each outing to the press. "Putting so much pressure on one man is inhuman" had won the coach after the tears of No. 10 in the final whistle against Costa Rica.

Mocked in the whole world

Never has a player been so much the target of criticism for his behavior and his infinite roulades. Internet has also feasted with montages and other trolls of all kinds. The Belgians got there yesterday during the match by performing a "Neymar challenge". The principle ? Everyone falls at the signal. Even the Mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close, broadcast a montage with the famous Manneken-Pis urinating on Neymar. Radio Télévision Suisse went so far as to calculate the time spent by the player on the ground until the 8th finals. Result of the investigation: 14 minutes. AFP has published a note to spot the dives on land. Neymar's simulations went way beyond the borders of football. The Portuguese Samu has launched an awareness campaign to avoid abusive calls by illustrating their poster with the Brazilian screaming in pain.

Nothing to add! #BRABEL #REDTOGETHER pic.twitter.com/RmytldQAAR

– Philippe Close (@PhilippeClose) July 6, 2018

The small manual of diving in the surface Illustrated … #AFP pic.twitter.com/HVqjlH9RF8

– AFP Sports (@AFPSport) July 3, 2018

Forcibly his simulations have also annoyed in Brazil, especially during the first round where he greatly exaggerated his culbutos. The meeting with Costa Rica has been much in the news. Between the history of the penalty awarded and then withdrawn after watching the VAR, the shouting with Thiago Silva and Marcelo and his tears at the end of the meeting, his anxiety and pressure management were rather poorly perceived in the country. The Brazilian press also does not shoot red balls at the player, who showed a good face in Russia with his two goals and two badists in five games. Unfortunately for him, in front of so many mockery, his services were almost taken over in the background. Yet he has been one of the best of his team, responding present to tip the tilt on his side.

From the chopping matches, Neymar has progressed, raised his level of play and posted a state of play. spirit more "in accordance" with the event. He focused more on the game, claiming less mistakes. Faced with Belgium, he tried a lot, even trying to force the decision alone at the end of the meeting. He could have become the hero of his team without a last stop of Courtois huge but finally will not be at the rendezvous with history. "I was not disappointed at all. He showed a real evolution during the tournament, he reached his best form. He came back better than we all imagined. But there are times when the body does not follow the brain " fatally badyzed Titus in a press conference last night. Become ridiculous of a world, Neymar will not have managed to conquer it. He left the stadium with his head down and without a crown.

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