What was Alexandre Benalla doing in the bus of Les Bleus on the Champs-Élysée?


Security, Baggage Management, Investments? The versatility of Alexandre Benalla continues to question. The ex-chargé de mission at the Élysée, indicted, especially for violence perpetrated on May 1, was present, among other events, in the bus that led the Blues of the Arc de Triomphe to the palace of the Élysée, Monday, July 16th. On this issue, the spokesman of the government Benjamin Griveaux and the Secretary of State Christophe Castaner did not quite have the same version Monday morning.

After five days of controversy following the revelations of World The majority of the members occupied national morning on Monday, July 23 to try to counter the many criticisms they are subject to the Benalla case. RTL guest, Benjamin Griveaux justified the presence of the head of mission in the bus of the Blues with difficulty. "Apparently he was in charge of the subjects of placement" he declared on our antenna very carefully.

"You have, at the Élysée, more than a thousand people who If you think that I can tell you what the tasks of each one are (…), if you consider that it is an essential task with the President of the Republic, without doubt imagine yourself the way we work around the President of the Republic ", defended the spokesman of the government.

I heard that he was in charge of logistics, including baggage [19659005] Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State

On BFM TV another story: the Secretary of State in charge of Relations with the Parliament, Christophe Castaner, evoked a different motive. "He has logistical functions on which he works. (…) I heard that he was in charge of logistics, including baggage ", he said, also evoking a distance with the mis en cause does not allow him to know his exact role.

" I am not the employer and I do not know what his missions were," argued Christophe Castaner. The employer, which is none other than the Elysee, has not yet officially spoken.

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