Facebook has updated its WhatsApp application to add a group administrator feature. [19659002] This new feature is similar to what the Telegram app had suggested some time ago. With it, group administrators can now only allow administrators to send messages to a group.
In a statement, WhatsApp explained that this feature will be useful for people like teachers, who can create a group for their clbad and be the only one with the ability to send messages. In this case, a teacher could send messages about homework, tests, reminders, and more.
Today we are launching a new group configuration where only administrators can send messages to a group. One of the ways people use groups is to receive important announcements and information, including parents and teachers in schools, community centers, and non-profit organizations. We've introduced this new setting so that administrators can have better tools for these use cases.
This setting can be enabled by going to section Group Info for a group chat , then in Group settings then in the section Send messages select Only administrators . Of course, participants who are not administrators can still read the messages. But they can only answer privately by pressing Writing to Admin .
In addition to this feature, WhatsApp also offers the ability to easily notify your number change to your contacts. To do this, press Settings > Account > Change number and then you will be able to select which contacts and which discussions you want to inform of your change of number.
The WhatsApp app is available as a free download on the App Store. It is only compatible with the iPhone
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