Where to see the lunar eclipse of the century in Pays de la Loire?


On the night of Friday 27 to Saturday, July 28, the longest eclipse of the 21st century will be visible in much of the world.

Unlike solar eclipses, it will be observable without danger to the naked eye, or using binoculars, or better, with a telescope, between sunset and midnight, for a little over an hour.

This phenomenon occurs when the earth is between the sun and a full moon , and that these three stars are perfectly aligned. The moon is deprived of sunlight, but does not disappear. Friday night, she will become red: it is the rays of the sun that will cross the Earth's atmosphere and be diverted to the moon, much like a sunset.

Public Observations

Some badociations Astronomy organizes observations of this exceptional phenomenon open to the public. This is the case, for example, of the Mayenne astronomy school in Laval, the Angers astronomical badociation, or the Vendée astronomical center in Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez. In France, the French Association of Astronomy (AFA) has identified nearly 135 sites mobilized on an interactive map.


If it is better to get away from any light pollution to better observe this phenomenon, it will also be necessary for your south-east horizon to be clear, advises Jérôme Gallard, host at the Laval People's Observatory.

The expert, who organizes a planetarium session at 8 pm in Laval in the preamble to the eclipse, estimates that the observation will be able to trade around 22h30. "This total eclipse lasts 4 hours because the moon is really positioned in the center of the shadow of the earth, but in France we will only see a part of it, the end, for a little more An hour. "

This red moon will indeed be visible even more clearly in much of the world (Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and South America). In France, some will see it more clearly than others, because of the weather. "We can have a clear sky, but it's enough that a cloud is positioned where the moon will be, so that it becomes difficult to see it." No worries: in one hour, the clouds will have time to move.

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