Where to see the total lunar eclipse in Loire-Atlantique


You have to cross your fingers so that the sky is almost cleared this Friday night. Because it is an exceptional show that awaits us. A total lunar eclipse, the longest of the 21st century. And as, in addition, the planet Mars will be closer to the Earth, it looks fascinating. For our region, the phenomenon should be visible from around 9:30 pm

During the rising of the moon, there are chances to have some interesting color changes

"From France we will only see the second half of the lunar eclipse, when it will rise on the horizon, in the East, it will already be eclipsed " explains Julien Crespin, president of" Stars of the Mea ", the astronomy club of Châteaubriant. "Since it will not be night again, we will have colors between dog and wolf, with rather particular colors of the moon in the rose and the red.And during the rising of the moon, there are chances to have colors and changes of color quite interesting Even me, it's a phenomenon that I have not seen yet! I think it's worth a look " he slips in a smile.

We'll have a big orange ball, the moon eclipsed, and below, a tiny orange ball, Mars

"And then, at the same time, we're going to have fun doing a hunt to the planets since completely in the West, we will have Venus, we will have Jupiter, will have Saturn and Mars will be just below the Moon, so at the aura will be a big orange ball, it will be the moon eclipsed, and then below , we will have a very small orange ball, it will be Mars " continues Julien Crespin.

It can be seen with the naked eye and the binoculars without danger [19659007] And if there are not too many clouds, we can easily see it from everywhere badures the president of the "Stars of the Mea". It will be enough just to look in the right direction. " You just have to watch the moonrise really to the east, it's a phenomenon that looks at the naked eye and the binoculars, it's safe" . And, even in the city, we will be able to see this eclipse : "at the level of the observation of the Moon and even of the planets, the light pollution is not a nuisance.They can really be observed everywhere provided they have a clear horizon to the east to see the moon appear above the horizon. "

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