which rates have taxpayers chosen?


They could choose between different rates for the collection of source income tax, which will apply as early as next year. "The vast majority of taxpayers (91.1%) chose the personalized rate, that is to say a single rate for both spouses" says the journalist of France 2 Jean-Claude Chapel , present in set. "7.6% of taxpayers chose the individualized rate, the spouse who earns the least at a lower rate, the one who earns more at a higher rate. income gap within the couple " continues the journalist

" The neutral rate, which gives no indication to your employer about your tax situation because we are taxed on our salary as a single without children was chosen by 1.3% of taxpayers " explains Jean-Claude Chapel. If it ensures confidentiality, this rate can be complicated to manage. Every month, the taxpayer will have to declare his income supplements to the tax authorities under pain of penalty. In case of declaration too important, it will be refunded by the tax authorities that the following year.

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