Who is Thierry Solère and what is he blamed for? Update on the case


The custody of the deputy Thierry Solère was extended on Wednesday. Strong man of the party Republicans before joining En Marche, spokesman of François Fillon during the presidential campaign, this deputy of Boulogne-Billancourt is suspected of "influence peddling, corruption, abuse of social property, illicit financing of election expenses and failure to report to the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life ". The point on the case.

It is a well-known figure of the right, former Republican pbaded to the Republic in march, Thierry Solère, former spokesman of François Fillon, was placed in custody on Tuesday after the National Assembly has accepted the lifting of its parliamentary immunity. Police custody was extended on Wednesday. He is suspected of tax evasion but also of "influence peddling, corruption, abuse of social property, illicit financing of election expenses and failure to report to the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life" . A list that has significantly lengthened since the revelation of the case by Mediapart and Chained Duck .

Thierry Solère, the dissident

Who is Thierry Solère? When La Republique en marche wins the majority of seats in the National Assembly, Thierry Solère is among those who believe that it takes a line open, right, the policy of the new President of the Republic. With other LR "macron-compatible", he creates the group of Constructives, which will be disavowed by the hard core of the Republicans.

In 2012 already, if he became a deputy, it was in favor of an badumed dissent. That year, Nicolas Sarkozy has just lost the opportunity of a second term against the socialist candidate, Francois Hollande. The Republican camp, struck by the defeat and the (temporary) political withdrawal of their leader, is trying to organize for the legislative elections, where they hope to retain as many seats as possible. And in the 9th district of Hauts-de-Seine, in Boulogne-Billancourt, a betrayal is preparing.

The party decides to reserve this constituency to one of the party's tenors, former Minister of the Interior and intimate of Nicolas Sarkozy: Claude Gueant. Thierry Solère, however, refuses to let himself go and decides to maintain himself, as a dissident candidate, against the former minister. While the party executives, furious, demand that he returns his card, Thierry Solère is elected. At the age of 41, he becomes "the Guéant's faller", takes gallons and immediately regains Republican affection.

Four years later, he becomes a member of the Republican primary school organizing committee campaign of their candidate, François Fillon

Suspicions of tax fraud

It is late 2016 that the suspicions of fraud against Thierry Solère fanned. While he embodies the opening of the Republicans to Macronie, Chained Duck and Mediapart unveil the content of an ongoing investigation, opened in 2016 by OCLCIFF (Office Central Office for the fight against corruption and financial and fiscal offenses). Thierry Solère is suspected of tax evasion: he would not have paid a portion of his income taxes from 2010 to 2013 and would also have failed to pay the property tax of the last year.

As soon as revelations, Thierry Solère says he will file a complaint. The deputy admits having suffered a "withholding-salary" because he had forgotten to declare some of his taxes, but insists: "all other facts are entirely false" .

Suspicions of Fictitious Jobs, Trading in Influence and Corruption

Because many other elements seem to interest justice. Thierry Solère has served as adviser to the Chimirec group's CEO, specialized in waste treatment, for the monthly remuneration of 12,000 euros. The member did not hide it since he declared this activity to the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP). But here it is: between 2012 and 2015, Thierry Solère also sat on the commission for sustainable development of the National Assembly. He even signed an amendment to exempt tax vehicles for the collection of hazardous industrial waste and used oil …. the main activity of the Chimirec group

Justice is also interested in the activity of Thierry Solère's wife, Karine Theet-Solère, who owns her consulting company. Problem, for the HATVP, the wife of Thierry Solère was parliamentary badistant "without any activity" at the same time. According to The Chained Duck the company of Karine Theet-Solère would have cleared "200 000 euros of non-commercial profits" .

According to Le Monde the prosecution suspects moreover, Thierry Solère de s' "to be served by his influence" for "to help his client companies obtain public contracts or an approval from the public authorities" . Le Monde even mentioned suspicions of fictitious employment: the wife of a former leader of a company, Aliapur, was indeed paid as a parliamentary badistant to Thierry Solère. She would have been "in charge of taking stock of her mid-term" "what she did" affirms the entourage of the elected

Three suspect apartments and a former minister

Finally, still according to the newspaper Le Monde justice would be interested in other suspicious transactions: false loans would have been granted by companies of a real estate developer who would have allowed Thierry Solère to obtain "three flats" which he would then have resold "to these same companies by operating the pbadage of the capital gains"

The member vigorously contests any irregularity and relies on attestations of the end of repayment of several mortgages. As for the promoter mentioned by Le Monde a personal friend of the elected, he defends himself from any illegal transaction. He claims to have bought three apartments, but without being the owner before. The businessman also ensures that he has granted a loan, declared to the tax authorities, but which does not concern these real estate.

The judicial storm that shakes the member for Boulogne-Billancourt resulted in numerous collateral damages. In addition to the persons implicated in this procedure, the former Minister of Justice, the last of the five-year Hollande, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, reportedly transmitted to Thierry Solere, between the two rounds of the presidential election, information about the investigation conducted by OCLCIFF

The former Minister of Justice has been indicted on Tuesday, June 19 2018, by the Court of Justice of the Republic for "breach of professional secrecy" . He is suspected of having asked the director of criminal cases and pardons for a card containing information about the investigation before sending it via the encrypted application Telegramme to Thierry Solère.

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