who will be able to park on the squares?


PARIS – A small revolution in the streets of the capital. After this July 31st, you will not see the small gray vehicles (red for the utilities) known under the Autolib 'brand. The car-sharing service that linked the Bolloré group to the political authorities ended, paving the way for a legal battle between the two parties.

Good news for Parisians, however: in the immediate future, it will give a little space for some motorists. The Paris City Council intends to give back the 3,244 Autolib parking spaces to all owners of electric vehicles and users of ridesharing services with electric vehicles. To be able to park there, it will be necessary for the vehicle to be equipped with the electric Crit-Air sticker.


"This parking will be free, within the limit of six consecutive hours.This measure will come into force at the end of service Autolib '", wrote the mayor of Paris in a statement in June. But according to the information of HuffPost this six-hour period will not be applied. "The idea is that there are no suction vehicles that stay indefinitely on the seats, but there will be no verbalization if the owner of the vehicle stays all day," says one Paris City Hall. On the other hand, the other vehicles will be liable to a PV and a kidnapping as if they were stationed on a place for disabled person.

No recharge before 2019

It will not be yet possible to recharge your vehicle thanks to Autolib 'terminals. If the mayor of Paris wants to "make the terminals accessible to Parisians and Parisians for the recharge of their personal vehicle", this will not be possible before the beginning of the year 2019. Involved: the fact that the software integrated terminals is the property of Bolloré who does not intend to sell it to cities, contrary to the limits it was obliged to sell.

As for the Blue Car vehicles, they will be redeployed in some cities, others will be sold while that most should be recycled. Several of them have already taken the road to the center of France where there are several specialized companies.

@emma_ducros Monday morning, the Autolib leaving our beautiful capital! pic.twitter.com/pkZqie1XQT

– Beatrice Houchard (@ behache3) July 30, 2018

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