Who will be the next winner of the Tour de France at Sky?


In his squad, the team of Chris Froome and Geraint Thomas has three young riders who could be dominant.

Egan Bernal (Colombia), 21 years old

The Colombian is a talkative, leaning accentuated by his good command of English, which is not always the strength of his fellow runners. It will be useful when he has to tell his life along, across and across. This will happen inevitably given the talent of the man. "He will win the Tour one day" summarized Geraint Thomas, who now knows what it means. In Sky, we did not wait for this month of July to think it. Dave Brailsford, in search of "next Chris Froome" did not hesitate to pay about 350,000 euros, according to Guardian to buy back his last two years of contract with the Italian team Androni, with whom he ran in 2016 and 2017.

Five things to know about Egan Bernal

In two and a half years, the progression of this mountain bike ace, vice-world champion juniors in 2014, has been limpid and striking. In 2016, at the age of 19, he shone in the rankings of the best young people (1st in the International Week, the Tours of Trentino and Slovenia). In 2017, he made his entry in Tops 10 in …

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