Why the Galaxy Note 9 may disappoint us


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A glorious and unforgettable past

The Note range already has a long story behind it. The success story begins in 2011, when the very first Galaxy Note created a new category of devices, the so-called "phablettes". In short, they are extra large-sized smartphones, or at least larger in size than other devices on the market, but still smaller than tablets, which were more popular at the time. [19659005] Ratings have been designed as devices for professionals, for users who have trouble with multitasking, and also for gamers (why not, after all). The original phablets have broken important records (to cite just one example, 1 million copies have been sold within two months of the release of the first Galaxy Note) and have emerged over the years as products good quality and high performance. Expensive? Certainly, but for many users, it was worth the investment.

For those of you who owned a Note 4, you know very well what I'm talking about, and the devices in the range Note n have never been very easy to replace, especially since Note 5 has only been released in a few markets and the explosive end of Note 7. Note 8 can be considered the first successor worthy of the name for Samsung. [19659007] androidpit samsung galaxy note 4 29 ” src=”https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/6473479/image/galaxy_note_4_vs_galaxy_note_5/androidpit-samsung-galaxy-note-4-29-w782.jpg” srcset=”https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/6473479/image/galaxy_note_4_vs_galaxy_note_5/androidpit-samsung-galaxy-note-4-29-w782.jpg 782w, https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/6473479/image/galaxy_note_4_vs_galaxy_note_5/androidpit-samsung-galaxy-note-4-29-w596.jpg 596w, https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/6473479/image/galaxy_note_4_vs_galaxy_note_5/androidpit-samsung-galaxy-note-4-29-w450.jpg 450w, https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/6473479/image/galaxy_note_4_vs_galaxy_note_5/androidpit-samsung-galaxy-note-4-29-w336.jpg 336w, https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/6473479/image/galaxy_note_4_vs_galaxy_note_5/androidpit-samsung-galaxy-note-4-29-w300.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 806px) calc(100vw – 24px), (max-width: 995px) 782px, (max-width: 1216px) calc((2 * (100vw – 30px) / 3) + 15px – 24px), 782px”/>

The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is, without a doubt, one of the best smartphones ever released. © ANDROIDPIT

I still remember the excitement surrounding the release of the Note Edge. This is one of the only ones in the range with a curved screen. On the right side, you could have quick access to your favorite apps, notifications, weather, time and step counter. It was both unique and beautiful. Certainly, it had a price, as for other members of the Note family, but it was always interesting and admirable. Enough, in any case, to save for a purchase (and not invest in other smartphones.)

Opinion by Jessica Murgia

The Note range is no longer dreaming

Qu Do you think so?

But the world of smartphones has changed … ..

Has the world of smartphones changed since then? From my point of view, things are a little different lately. The ratings are not really up to it anymore. Phablets are no longer fashionable. The smartphones on the market are almost all phablets: the screens are getting bigger and better, and are supported by thin and light chbadis. There is almost no frame, and the famous notch has evolved to accommodate a front camera lens and sensors (the Vivo and Oppo have special systems for their camera, much to the delight of anti-notch from around the world)

 vivo nex camera
The Vivo NEX is one of the most interesting smartphones currently. © AndroidPIT

… .the ratings are not as interesting as before

So, what about Samsung's Galaxy Note range? Yes, there is the S-Pen pen, which is not included with the vast majority of other smartphones. But I do not need the stylus everyday. It may be funny at first, but to be clear, it's not really something I need for a smartphone.

It's certainly not the S-Pen that convinced me of wait for Note 9, which, according to the latest rumors, will be a smarter tool with new features designed for him. Beyond this battery of novelties, Note 9 should not have any big surprises on the design side. It will run on Android Oreo and a latest generation processor that will undoubtedly provide excellent performance, but it's the minimum union I expect from a flagship branded smartphone in 2018.

The newest of Note will probably ship version 2.0 of Bixby, which manages to be a little more useful, but I remain very satisfied with Google Assistant and I do not feel the need to have a dedicated button.

 AndroidPIT Samsung NOTE 8 GOLD 4370
The S-Pen of Note 9 may be smarter, but that does not make it more interesting to me! © AndroidPIT

Perhaps the public has had a decline in interest in the Note range since its fourth release. Although Note 8 has been successful in the US, Korean and Australian markets, it has also had disappointing sales in other important countries, especially in Europe. Unless this is the result of the evolution of smartphones, the arrival of new challengers on the market and the success of phablettes alternatives to equivocal performance, like the Huawei Mate range (even if they do not have a stylus

But to return to Note 9, he will have a hard time facing Honor's competition. The device launched by Honor, which was to be named Note 10 will not be at the same level, technically speaking, but it will be cheaper.

There is something that is even more worthy of interest (at least for me)

Personally, I can not wait to take in hand smartphones like the new Vivo Nex, try the Huawei P20 Pro camera or the removable photo sensor on the Oppo Find X. I would also like to try the Nokia 8110 4G, the Nokia 8 Sirocco, and take a look at the patents of the folding cameras coming to Samsung and LG.

What's more, mid-range smartphones have gained elegance and exclusive specs that were previously the preserve of high-end smartphones. I think that many users will be more and more interested in mid-range smartphones, especially given the impressive results they get from benchmarks.

In short, I do not really have any reason to wait for the release of Note 9. But if the stylus hits you in the eye, you probably see things differently. Certainly, the launch event will be as exciting as the other Samsung Unpacked, and there is no doubt that it will be an excellent smartphone hardware and performance side. But it's not interesting or special enough for me to think, "I have to get it for myself."

Do you still have confidence in the Samsung Note range? Do you look forward to the release of Note 9? If so, let us know in the comments!

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