why the operation Mario Balotelli no longer advances


After having offered Duje Caleta-Car ahead of clubs of the caliber of Seville, Olympique Marseille will now be able to tackle the famous record of the great striker. Not surprisingly, the interest of the club for the player being known for weeks already, Mario Balotelli is the elected. However, while the officialization seemed imminent – there was even talk of the day of the presentation of the new jerseys phocéens as day of the officialization – everything seems to have cooled down.

The player has even taken the path of training with the one who is still his club, the OGC Nice, under the orders of Patrick Viera. This Tuesday, Provence brings its share of explanations concerning this slowdown of an operation which seemed nevertheless buckled. The problem would not come from Olympique de Marseille, which made substantial financial efforts to convince the Italian to join his ranks, offering him a colossal salary.

What role does Raiola play?

C is obviously more on the side of the sulphurous Mino Raiola, that no longer presents, that it seems to jam. "Something would seemingly bend at its level" According to Provence . Is OM waiting for the agent to settle the situation of his protégé with Nice? Anyway, Raiola seems a little lost on this issue, he who thought that his player was going to be free of any contract last June. Or maybe he is waiting for an offer from a club more up-to-date or ready to offer more substantial emoluments to the player?

Still according to Provence on the side of Nice it seems to be ready to let the player slip but we are still waiting for the amount around 10 million euros to agree to get rid of the Italian. OM would have even proposed several players like Remy Cabella, Saif Khaoui, Tomas Hubocan or Doria in the operation, and Eagles seem tempted by the first city. The duration of the contract offered to Super Mario by OM – a 2 + 1 – was also problematic in recent weeks, and it is unclear if this has been resolved. In other words, the officialization of Balotelli at OM is not for now …

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