World Cup. Deschamps evokes the episode of the fire extinguisher with Rami


After the victory of the French team against Argentina, in the round of 16 of the World Cup, Adil Rami emptied a fire extinguisher in the Hotel des Bleus. An incident that caused the evacuation of the entire establishment in the middle of the night, in Istra (Russia). After the OM defender's version, it was the coach Didier Deschamps who evoked this epic episode of the adventure of the 23 world champions.

The case of the extinguisher has left its mark on the fabulous Bleus course at the World Cup. Defender Adil Rami confessed, after the final, that he had emptied a fire extinguisher in the Hotel des Bleus after the victory against Argentina.

The incident caused the evacuation of the establishment. Interviewed by La Provence and Ouest-France the trainer Didier Deschamps gave his version of the facts and made some corrections

"It's nobody, it's the 23!

"The players were not on a night trip, they just went out to eat together like they did on certain occasions. They returned at the scheduled time. It happened what happened, it woke everyone up " entrusted the coach most cape in the history of the team of France before stating that he was not in pajamas, contrary to certain rumors

"I never wear them … I got dressed, put on sneakers and a tracksuit. I was on the phone to find out what was going on. I do not hide that I was gone to put on suspenders. They were a hundred meters away and I heard them say: "We're all together, it's nobody, it's the 23!" I started walking and wondered if I had ever been in such a situation when I was a player. I arrived, I looked at them and I did not say anything. Here. "

He never thought to exclude Adil Rami

Adil Rami had confided to Denis Brogniart, in The World Cup Mag his fear of being excluded from the group as a result of this incident. "He told me that after, confirmed Didier Deschamps. But I never thought about it. The next day he told me it was him. "I know it's you, do not worry," I told him. He told me he wanted to apologize. I did not ask him anything. He thought it was good. He did it and I made a joke that I can not tell you that made everyone laugh. It closed on that.

Obviously, with the second star in your pocket, all the gaps are now forgiven.

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